Friday, June 30, 2006

I wanna get laid!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

sometimes, curses are blessings

$79 fucking dollars is the toll cap for cars on the Portmore toll. That's $79 each way. (for my 'merican friends it's US$1 = JA$66). That shit ain't cheap or even frigging affordable! That's $158 a day to go to work and come home. And the alternate route, oh joy, the alternate route is longer and will have Spanish Town traffic, so avoiding the toll ain't gonna be easy. Ain't I glad I don't have a car, well not really, since I usually work the late shift I could just take the alternate route and not have traffic to worry about but still...

So I've recovered some of my files, only the most important ones are left. My music, music vids, graphics files and my my documents folder. I brought home my linux machine, it should make retrieving and storing muy easier. then I can go RAID my hard drives and hope the problem ends. If it doesn't then I'm onna have to change out my mother board and/or drives.

Now I gotta figure how to get my linux machine back to work when I'm done. If anything I guess I can ask Warren since he works near me and drives.

Got paid yesterday and I totally agree with Chris Rock, I got jacked. for all the dumbness and insults I have to put up with gov't come and take a little over 1/5 of my pay. To do what? Live the fucking high life. They don't pay gov't workers people have to strike and gwaan bad to get all 2% increases but they can give themselves pay hikes and pensions that are fucking unbelievable. All for what? so they can sell us out, literally. Open the country so foreigners can come and do whatever the fuck they want like charge $79 tolls.

I love my country, I do but these fuckwads are trying to fuck up my love. And as much as I want them out, the opposition is just ugh! those fuckers couldn't get together to make a glass of sugar and water. A bunch of disorganized in-fighters.

All around fuckery, welcome to Jamrock!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

another lazy Sunday

Well, what to do today? Call the bf remind him to take the pics ofthe pups. He says Mopsy is keeping everyone away, awww.

Gotta wash the hair, scalp is itching like craaaaazy.

Also gonna try and make a donut run.

Also, sort out some music for the ipod. Gonna start saving for a new one, cuz I'm now down to 2gigs of free space. I know it sounds like a lot but it aint. Besides, I want a video ipod, so I can watch my music vids and tv shows whilst on the road.

what else? nothing. except gonna try and do dim sum again next week.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I maybe a momma!

Rog's dog, Mopsy, had six pups. I may just take one :) I should have pics soon, gonna try get some tomorrow cuz the bf is going outta town on Saturday. I'm muy excited!

inna di bus!

soo, today I'm leaving for work and unlike usual I catch a bus within 5 minutes of being at the bus stop. so I shoulda known it wasn't gonna be a regular day.

out at where zinc factory used to be the driver mek 2/3 bad swing and dis woman tek him on, "Hey pussyhole driver tek time drive the bloodclaat bus nuh!" Me neva hear no response from the driver section but some other jutc ppl were on the bus and dem mus say something cuz next ting the ooman rasta boyfriend him join in. den de cussing really start nex ting me kno bus pullover and a di driver dat a try come round back but the other jutc ppl dem hol him. And di rasta start shout, "let him go, unnu let him go." Den I tinlk one of dem start drive the bus cuz him neva look like the original driver anyways, dem calm down now and the ductress call the rasta fi talk to him one way an dis next bredda jump inna di argument and mussi tell the ductress fi "suck har madda" and den she start pon him tell him seh "him fi go suck him fadda" Dem time yah me a dead wid laugh and a try stop me self from drop outta me seat den a nex one round de back start pon de ductress and the ooman who start it all jump back in. her boyfriend look like him did a try get to calm but her face did a screw still.

den even after dem come off the ductress still a run har mouth. good times. All now me caan get Inna di bus - General Trees outta mi head

it's hurricane time again

and the good ole folks at water commission have decided to go on a test run. fuckers are on strike and have cut off our water. well not cut it off, there's water at the front pipe meaning they only left it on low enough for that to happen. So as far as water is concerned I'm gonna be living like a hurricane hit.

I dunno wat these pussyholes think theyre gonna acomplish but this isnt gonna make ppl sympathetic to their cause. I know what I said yetserday or day before but this shit has gone on too long. this strike aint gonna work, esp since theyre helping with water conservation. I hope they get fired and replaced.

I am now a donut junkie and this sucks cuz fresh donuts aren't easy to come by. gonna stop by a bakery and see if I can get some fresh good donuts but I doubt it.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

burining up!

Portmore(where I live) is HEATING up! Dammit, any my house traps heat like a bitch. And work is no sanctuary, fucking A/C is broke with no ETA on being fixed. total fuckery.

Bwoy, if I was preggers my child would be marked I tell you. I wanted donuts from this articular shop and all fucking day no damn donuts, asses.

fucking crosses today, buses went on strike and the fuckers at water commission went on strike. hopefully they start acting right in the morning cuz I need water and public transport. water ppl I can sympathize with but the bus people, those fuckers can rot for all I care. Have people waiting at bust stops for nearly an hour on a nearly daily basis for one of three buses? fuck that shit no fucking raise!

The dog yearning is back...watched coupla hours of dog whisperer last night, not smart. Cesar has like a million dogs, *sigh* so unfair.

I hate red lobster, quiznos, DQ, Olive Garden. their ads always make me hungry and none of those fuckers are open here.

anyhoo this all my blogging for tonite. nini

Saturday, June 17, 2006

another lazy saturday

So, today was a good day. lept in all morning and woke up well rested. Did some morning postwhoring with some of my online friends. Hilarity.

Sooo, World Cup has started and while I'll watch for a few minutes I'm not into it like I used to be.

I'm gonna change my Blogger and LJ layouts now. I need a change.

Friday, June 16, 2006

here we go again


machine has been BSODing again, machine check exception and the performance whatever has been downgraded to PIO on one of my drives. I don't have time for this shit. I dont wanna go through that shit again. O'Rayne is gonna be hearing from me.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

school time aint over

I work with children apparently. My supervisor didn't come in yesterday, because she was sick, my dumbass manager forgets to tell us she's coming in today. SO he asks me to come in early so that pickney wouldn't be in by himself. Pickney start screw, I knew what was coming.

6:33 am Pickney calls saying he cant come in cuz his car isn't working. Like he can't get a cab or something. So I have to come work early only to see that my supervisor is here. So I came to work early for nothing. Pickney is still not here, I bet his car is gonna be working just fine tomorrow.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Dim Sum tomorrow!

Me and David gonna have dim sum again tomorrow. Hopefully I'll remember how to use the chopsticks, should be easier since I no longer have the nails.

Tomorrow I'm gonna definately be burning DVDs my TV drive is down to 23Gb free space, boo to that.

Started writing and stopped. I dnno, just not feeling my idea anymore and it's real frustrating not being able to express exactly what I want. I was thinking of taking an all evening shift and take like a summer creative writing course or something. Which reminds me I gotta check out to see if there's somewhere I can do Kendo.

Anyhoo, nini, I got idling to go do.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Today was a good day!

I loooove karma! And random acts of kindness. This morning as I was taking the bus some really sorry looking guy asked if I could pay for him on my bus card and I'm like sure. At lunch my friend was looking for shoes to wear on a trip so I was trying on shades to amuse myself in the meantime. I had one one I really liked turned to ask my friend's opinion and he wsa unavailable so I asked a guy in line and he's like it goes great with my smile smile.gif So I continue voguing in the mirror and its the guy's turn to cash and he goes, "And cash those shades she's wearing." Aww, I turned and gave him another smile and said thanks and he's all like you're welcome and took his stuff and left. No bugging me for my number or anything. biggrin.gif

Also, I'm thinking of taking up Kendo or some other form of martial arts, lest's see how long before I lose interest.

I left my headphones at work :( So it's gonna be a boring trip to work tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sunday Drive

So Saturday I finally went and bought some DVDs and a CD case so I can start clearing stuff off my hard drive, haven't actually started yet though.

Sunday had Dim Sum, I forgot the restaurant's name but the food was gooooooood! Gonna try and do it again this Sunday. Then I followed David to MoBay. I too my cam to take pics but didn't get some stuff that I would've liked but that's for another trip. Now onto what I did get:


Flat Bridge

Infamous "Pum Pum" Rock

That's all folks, I promise, next time I'll have better and more pictures.

Friday, June 02, 2006

life just fucking sucks

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Here I am again, waiting to go home.

Watching Hex. I had actually watched season 2 and wanted to see it from the beginning. I like it. It was a tad slow at first but its picked up now.

I did nothing on my to do list today, no running, I didn't make an icon and I havent written a sentence and dont even ask about CSS. I read but I don't do jack. *sigh*

Ive been getting the urge to take pics again. Gotta get the cam back from the bf and reacquaint myself with it.

About Me

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica