Friday, October 28, 2005

So, it's me again

I aborloathedespisehate the cold and tropical storms/huricanes. I didn't get to go home last night, I had to stay in town. I also aborloathedespisehate the fucking gov't and their parish councils and zoning committees and all those assholes who's job it is to make sure construction jobs dont fuck everybody up. This fucking Highway 2000(so named because that was to be the year of completion NOT when it started) is a major problem! Now everytime rain falls, it takes me like 4-6 fucking hours to go home! Both ways in and out of Portmore(where I live) is flooded because those assholes are building their fucking highway and clogging drains and blocking water paths.

Haha, I love my country but the hypocrisy sometimes is just kills me! They found some dead guy with a notorious gang leader's sperm in his belly. Now me with my late self(I don't watch news so I always find things out waay after they happen) I'm just finding out that this particular gang leader has been rumoured to be gay for a loooong time. Now see, gunmen and gang leaders are some of our most vocal and violent anti-gay ppl around, another set of assholes.

So I'm at work now, it's been pretty slow. So I decided to come update here.

Did I bitch about the hoops I have to go through to open a bank account? How I have to get 2 reccomends? Well when it rain it pours, I now have four and I'm gonna take them all to the bank just in case those asses have probs with one.

What else is new? Not much, Lotto is 45 million, nice chunk of change there.

And the Pussycat Dolls is my new guilty pleasure, their new CD ain't bad. That Don't Cha song has grown on me and I'm loving Beep and Buttons.

What else is new? My god daughter's bday is coming up and I have some change but I have no idea what to get her. She's gonna be two on the 31st.

I'm now permanent! Yay me! I get a slight wage increase and I know have a timetable. Coolies. Now I just need to remember to bring my jacket to work. Me and AC arent very compatible.

What else? Stuff and stuff, that seems to be it. I'm done for now, cya next month, haha.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm still alive

Yes, I haven't blogged in ages, I know Ive been very lazy. OK onto what's new.

I'm working, I'm a customer care rep at Infochan help ppl with their ISP probs. It's OK, Nice pay and I have free time to write too bad I can't Gimp there :(

rain has been falling for ages and now we have Wilma :( bah!

Ive been trying to open a bank account for YEARS! Ugh! I bet if I was a criminal I wouldn't have a problem. assholes want references from jp, minister of religon or top ranking cops. Like how the fuck am I gonna know two of those people? Ugh! Why can't I walk into a bank and open an account?

I NEED to do my laundry, sad ain't it but I'm serious this time and I dunno how I' gonna do it cuz Rog isn't sure if he can pick me up and stuff.

I'm gone, laytaz

About Me

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica