Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm still alive

Yes, I haven't blogged in ages, I know Ive been very lazy. OK onto what's new.

I'm working, I'm a customer care rep at Infochan help ppl with their ISP probs. It's OK, Nice pay and I have free time to write too bad I can't Gimp there :(

rain has been falling for ages and now we have Wilma :( bah!

Ive been trying to open a bank account for YEARS! Ugh! I bet if I was a criminal I wouldn't have a problem. assholes want references from jp, minister of religon or top ranking cops. Like how the fuck am I gonna know two of those people? Ugh! Why can't I walk into a bank and open an account?

I NEED to do my laundry, sad ain't it but I'm serious this time and I dunno how I' gonna do it cuz Rog isn't sure if he can pick me up and stuff.

I'm gone, laytaz

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica