Thursday, March 16, 2006

I need a magic wand

Tomorrow I'm working late and my morning is gonna be spent at the bank and tax office :( Two of the worst places to spend a morning esp when I could be in bed.

Now I just gotta hope that the washing machine I have my eye on isn't gone. Decent sized front loaders are rare and if you find one today no guarantee it will be there tomorrow.

My computer is sick and I have no clue. Everytime I think Ive got it solved it starts crashing and that beeping at start up and now dumbass Event Viewer has gone mute. It has hung up twice and Event Viewer doesnt show shat. From what ive seen on Google it maybe my MB, the SATA drives and XP SP2 or it maybe some IRQ shit I just noticed at boot up. I wanna get some air clean out my case and rearrange some cards.

Anyhoo, back to my so called life.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica