Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So, I got my way at work and got Saturday off :) I was gonna call Soutar and see if he wanted to go out this Friday but I gotta keep my spending down. I need some clothes, normally I'd ask my dad but he's already geting some books for me so I'm on my own.

Sis Byfield called and she says I can get the jack russell for $5000. I want him so bad but I'm not exactly jumping at the offer. Like part of the reason why I bitch and moan about getting a dog and not go get one is my home situation. While a JRT is a house dog, there's my mom, she's not going to be all gung ho about it, and I have to take that into consideration since its her space too. Also, not sure if a JRT's personality is compatible with it, we'll see.

Super Bowl Sunday! Do I know who's playing? Do I care nope! So why am I excited? the Lams' SBS party! There's gonna be good food and good food and good food :) One year she made the baked cho-cho and cheese, absolute greatness! So yeah, I'm going to be STUFFED :)

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica