I still got 'em. Nope I still haven't done my laundry yet, hopefully I'll get them done this week.
Between my wonderful gov't, OUR(the body that supposedly regulates the utuility companies) and JUTC I now have to pay $50 flat rate to go anywhere. So $50 that takes me to the mall which is less than 5 minutes away can also take me to Kingston or HalfWayTree. That doesn't sit well with me. And I'm sorta glad I don't have car, gas is now $50 a litre, ain't life grand?
Something good happened this week, well two I got to see the bf and my godaughter she has tonsilitis AND this hypocritical preachy person got hers.
A few years ago I apparently got too chummy with the guys around my way which lead the small minded neighbours to believe me a slut. There was this one in particular that was very preachy and I'll pray for you was her fave thing to tell me. Guess who's preggers now and doesn't know who the dad is? LMAO I almost died laffing. After word of her siuation got out(*takes a bow*) her mom kicked her out and her bf dumped her(btw he apparently isnt one of the candidates for baby daddy status as he wasn't getting any)
Ain't karma grand?
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