While I was at the bank there was this woman cussing on her cell I couldnt really hear her from my end but from her actions and the ppl around her she was mad! Anyhoo that convo ended and she gav her daughter 5-6 year old the phone to play with. Coupla minutes later she's at a telle and the kid is across the room with the phone wen she gets a call, so this kid answers it and shouts across the bank, "Mom! The bombohole(equivalent to @#%$) is on the phone." That cracked me up and some ppl were made cuz she's too young to be cussing but I had a great laff.
Then this sorta cute guy was just staring at me since I got on the bus till he got off. It was flattering for like the first minute but then it just got creepy. He didnt smile, say anything just intense staring ewww.
OK, Ive finally found the perfect dog for me, a Beagle! But I dunno how available they are here so I'm gonna ask around and check if I can just import one. In the meantime the bf gave some very small fishes to tend to.
Oh yea last night I got bored and was idle and I made this totally idle board. it's just to talk about any and everything, feel free to stop by: hetairai876.proboards59.com/index.cgi
That's been my day.
Oooh! Did I tell y'all I shaved my legs last night? 2nd time in my life, I like it but I'm too lazy to do it on a regular but I love how they look and feel
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