Me, David, Rog and David went to East last night. It was fun :) We ordered a lot of food and some likker and I had a tad too much but whatever. We should try it again sometime when I don't have work the next morning.
Speaking of, I hope the calls are few and far between today, I need to sleep
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Went toothbrush shopping today, wanted one of those battery operated ones, couldn't find any in the supermarket so I went to the pharmacy. The only battery ones they had were the rechargable ones for like $4000+. No that's NOT a typo(Americans divide by 67) there was another one for $8000+. When in my life am I to buy a damn toothbrush for so much money? I want some of what theyre smoking. I ended up buying one of them oral-b cross action, I like it, teeth feel clean and it actually gets between my teeth
good ole cable and wireless, flow light fire unda dem backside, dem nuh stop pop dung because dem a fix up dem network, I love competition. Except it's fucking with my job, people tiad a call me now and I'm working saturday, hopefully it won't pop dung again but I not holding my breath
I wanna go eat sushi and drink saki tomorrow, I'll call David and find out if he's game.
good ole cable and wireless, flow light fire unda dem backside, dem nuh stop pop dung because dem a fix up dem network, I love competition. Except it's fucking with my job, people tiad a call me now and I'm working saturday, hopefully it won't pop dung again but I not holding my breath
I wanna go eat sushi and drink saki tomorrow, I'll call David and find out if he's game.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
back inna di Gideon
after four days of doing whatever, went back to work and don't you know it? There's a DSL issue, so I had tons of Why isn't my internet not working?-Am I getting a discount?-Why aren't you telling people this on the radio?(my personal fave) And I almost tell some woman about her mother.
Tomorrow, is back to the dentist :( I must remember to eat a lot before I go cuz if it's that bitch again, my mouth will be sore.
I need to get my ass in gear and MAKE/WRITE something.
Tomorrow, is back to the dentist :( I must remember to eat a lot before I go cuz if it's that bitch again, my mouth will be sore.
I need to get my ass in gear and MAKE/WRITE something.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
so I'm sitting on the floor as mom combs my hair and I look down and I start laughing. See this is what happens when you wear pants and short sleeve shirts to work everyday; hands and legs that look like they belong to diff bodies:

PS: David, keep your smart remarks to yourself I KNOW you're not much better :P
PS: David, keep your smart remarks to yourself I KNOW you're not much better :P
I'm an idjit,
samba IS working, I can Network Neighborhood both computers from the other :) Finished copying music videos, doing music now.
I washed me hair :) did it the lazy way too, didn't pull out my twists, now onto the combing.
Finally decided what to get with my gift voucher. I knew mom was gonna say electric knife so I cut her off at the pass. I'm getting a blender/food processor, now for me to wait till after the holiday idiot season.
I washed me hair :) did it the lazy way too, didn't pull out my twists, now onto the combing.
Finally decided what to get with my gift voucher. I knew mom was gonna say electric knife so I cut her off at the pass. I'm getting a blender/food processor, now for me to wait till after the holiday idiot season.
R.I.P. James Brown
James Brown died earlier this morning from an heart attack related to his pneumonia. He was one of those performers that knew how to get people excited.
R.I.P. James Brown
R.I.P. James Brown
Sunday, December 24, 2006
screw samba
long live ssh. tried samba, wasn't working, I know it's cuz I forgot something but then I remembered openssh and I'm up and running. I'm now copying over my music vids. it's gonna be a long night but no cussing :)
slept till 3pm today :) Feel so proud. Then I did nothing but watch tv and stumbled the net :) I love having nothing to do, well, ignoring my to-do list. But this doing nothing is getting to me, so I'm gonna either sort the graphics stuff I downloaded or try setting up samba.
I'm 27 next year and it's bugging me. Like I don't think, I am where I wanna be at that age. And even better I really don't know where or what that is. My future plans were never anything specific. Just to travel and be happy. While the happy part comes and goes the travel part is non existent. I used to think in uni that once I graduated I'd pack a bag and go somewhere, didn't happen. To be honest, there really is nothing stopping me. I have the means and opportunity, the want but apparently not the will. Or I'm just chicken. Well, I am scared, scared of not knowing what I want, scared of being 70 and having a million regrets. bah, I think I should jus go back to bed or something.
Oh yeah, saw my godson yesterday. He's so cute :) and he's a nail biter. Althea says she maybe pregnant again. I hope she's not, another kid is all she needs right now. She asked me about having one. What exactly about I-do-not-want-kids don't people understand? I don't. I got a niece and two godkids and when my fence is finished I'll have a dog. :)
ok, time tocuss like a sailor setup samba.
I'm 27 next year and it's bugging me. Like I don't think, I am where I wanna be at that age. And even better I really don't know where or what that is. My future plans were never anything specific. Just to travel and be happy. While the happy part comes and goes the travel part is non existent. I used to think in uni that once I graduated I'd pack a bag and go somewhere, didn't happen. To be honest, there really is nothing stopping me. I have the means and opportunity, the want but apparently not the will. Or I'm just chicken. Well, I am scared, scared of not knowing what I want, scared of being 70 and having a million regrets. bah, I think I should jus go back to bed or something.
Oh yeah, saw my godson yesterday. He's so cute :) and he's a nail biter. Althea says she maybe pregnant again. I hope she's not, another kid is all she needs right now. She asked me about having one. What exactly about I-do-not-want-kids don't people understand? I don't. I got a niece and two godkids and when my fence is finished I'll have a dog. :)
ok, time to
my linux box is up and running :) freaking dumbass bios and dumbass me for taking so long to figure it out. I now have Fedora 6 installed since Ubuntu wasn't playing nice. Like it so far except the dumbasses decided to skip Firefox 2 and wait on 3. I can still install it but there's stuff I'd have to do that I can't be arsed to. Now I gotta setup Samba, one of my hard drives had to be formatted so I gotta copy my music videos.
Day 1 of my vacay done, spent with my computer and driving around with Warren. tomorrow, I'll really sleep and wash my hair, it's filthy which means it looks great and is easy to comb. why can't it be like that when it's clean?
Day 1 of my vacay done, spent with my computer and driving around with Warren. tomorrow, I'll really sleep and wash my hair, it's filthy which means it looks great and is easy to comb. why can't it be like that when it's clean?
Friday, December 22, 2006
calm after the storm
yesterday was a mini hell. my windows computer blue screened and refused to boot citing disk error and I was hella mad, it's not an old disk and I no longer had the receipt and I didn't wanna spend money to buy a new one. Went on the road to price check new drives, $$$$$$$, assholes. Then went to do my nails, which took forever, my nail lady moved offices and she was busy.
Went home, Gregory thankful figured out what was the prob with my windows machine, had to uninstall nero, it was making my comouter hella slow and buggy. Then it was time for my linux machine. Ubuntu 6.1 wouldnt install, so I downloaded 6.06, tried Xubuntu, went well till I changed the repositories to upgrade to 6.1, negative. So when I get homeI'm going back to normal Ubuntu. One of the 40 in the inux machine is screwed though so it's gotta reformat.
Wasted money and bought lunch today, forgot today was office xmas lunch. food was great! Except the garlic bread. I had the fish in coconut sauce, which was heaven, salad, ham, cake, sweet potato something and sorrel. yes, I'm stuffed, if I was at home I'd pull my belt and button. We got the $5000 MegaMart vouchers again, this time I dunno what I want, maybe I'll get the electric knife my mom wants.
Went home, Gregory thankful figured out what was the prob with my windows machine, had to uninstall nero, it was making my comouter hella slow and buggy. Then it was time for my linux machine. Ubuntu 6.1 wouldnt install, so I downloaded 6.06, tried Xubuntu, went well till I changed the repositories to upgrade to 6.1, negative. So when I get homeI'm going back to normal Ubuntu. One of the 40 in the inux machine is screwed though so it's gotta reformat.
Wasted money and bought lunch today, forgot today was office xmas lunch. food was great! Except the garlic bread. I had the fish in coconut sauce, which was heaven, salad, ham, cake, sweet potato something and sorrel. yes, I'm stuffed, if I was at home I'd pull my belt and button. We got the $5000 MegaMart vouchers again, this time I dunno what I want, maybe I'll get the electric knife my mom wants.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
the suck continues
I'm so glad I had a big breakfast this morning else I'd be starving right now. Went to the dentist for a cleaning and my mought hurts, chewing is not an option. Worse I got cavities, I gotta go back :( I also should floss more. I'm glad I got insurance, makes everything helluva lot cheaper.
Stinking c+w, went home to no net last night, woke up to none and I can bet I'm going home to none too. On top, the hard drive I bought to replace my 120 seems to be faulty, it's a wonderful life.
Neville Willoughby died today :( (for my non-Jamaican friends, he's a popular radio personality here) Apparently he was in a car accident yesterday and was in critical condition all of last night and died today :( My family is a RJR family, everyday we listened to Neville, Alan and Dorraine. This is really sad. R.I.P. Neville Willoughby.
Joseph Barbera died on Monday :( He co-produced one of my childhood faves, Tom & Jerry and The Jetsons. Hell, I still watch them now esp T&J. R.I.P. Joseph Barber.
Stinking c+w, went home to no net last night, woke up to none and I can bet I'm going home to none too. On top, the hard drive I bought to replace my 120 seems to be faulty, it's a wonderful life.
Neville Willoughby died today :( (for my non-Jamaican friends, he's a popular radio personality here) Apparently he was in a car accident yesterday and was in critical condition all of last night and died today :( My family is a RJR family, everyday we listened to Neville, Alan and Dorraine. This is really sad. R.I.P. Neville Willoughby.
Joseph Barbera died on Monday :( He co-produced one of my childhood faves, Tom & Jerry and The Jetsons. Hell, I still watch them now esp T&J. R.I.P. Joseph Barber.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
watched Eragon last night. waste of money. the lead unlike his char never got into his own. his acting was just not there and there were times when he came close then veered off course. John Malkovich was positively BORED. Some of the shots and chars were reminiscent of LOTR and it seemed rushed. I must say, Jeremy Irons was very good and the dragon, the CG didn't look too fake, they did a pretty good job on that. I ain't paying to watch part 2 and yes there will be a 2.
I want a dragon.
I want a dragon.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I love Audrey Reid!!
She was the MC at David's staff party and she's hilarious! And if I didn't love her before I'd so fall in love when she made David go on stage :P Which reminds me, I need to get those pics from Molyneaux. Had mad fun last night, made me really miss going out to clubs and dances. another reminder, take David to a club.
One of my former lectures is being brought up to the uni board for plagiarism. Apparently, all her notes, tests etc are straight from the net. We hated her ass in uni, she spent like the first 2/3 lecture teaching us BS and ignored us when we called her on it. THEN when she finally figured out she was wrong she just continued like nothing happened. I ignored her ass for the semester, only went to class for tests. We had to teach ourselves that subject. Even with all that, I still for sorry for her, I must be getting old. No doubt she deserves it, people have been complaining about it for years and if she was a nicer person it wouldn't be so bad. But if all those people who signed the petition to get her fired think she's going they don't know their uni very well.
My primary school principal died. She had pneumonia. She was a real cool lady. What I remember most is when I graduated primary school and everybody was giving me the keep up the good work in HS and don't let people down speech, she was the only one to say, enjoy it, you maybe starting the best years of your life. Turns out she was wrong but she was the only one whose congratulations wasn't tinged with a warning to not fall from grace. I needed it. R.I.P. Miss Bailey.
One of my former lectures is being brought up to the uni board for plagiarism. Apparently, all her notes, tests etc are straight from the net. We hated her ass in uni, she spent like the first 2/3 lecture teaching us BS and ignored us when we called her on it. THEN when she finally figured out she was wrong she just continued like nothing happened. I ignored her ass for the semester, only went to class for tests. We had to teach ourselves that subject. Even with all that, I still for sorry for her, I must be getting old. No doubt she deserves it, people have been complaining about it for years and if she was a nicer person it wouldn't be so bad. But if all those people who signed the petition to get her fired think she's going they don't know their uni very well.
My primary school principal died. She had pneumonia. She was a real cool lady. What I remember most is when I graduated primary school and everybody was giving me the keep up the good work in HS and don't let people down speech, she was the only one to say, enjoy it, you maybe starting the best years of your life. Turns out she was wrong but she was the only one whose congratulations wasn't tinged with a warning to not fall from grace. I needed it. R.I.P. Miss Bailey.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
work hasn't been as hectic as expected but then the switch hasn't happened yet so that maybe why.
hmm, LJ has made some changes to posting page, not bad.
I'm stuffed, I should really cut out this over eating thing. I mean I stop when I catch myself doing it but the curry today was too great. But I still hate being stuffed.
Speaking of food, the little pastry shop we frequent has added rum balls to the menu. Went for bread pudding and they had none but they had rum balls. It was great! It had rum and not too much choccy like the ones I'm used to. Could do with some more rum though.
hmm, LJ has made some changes to posting page, not bad.
I'm stuffed, I should really cut out this over eating thing. I mean I stop when I catch myself doing it but the curry today was too great. But I still hate being stuffed.
Speaking of food, the little pastry shop we frequent has added rum balls to the menu. Went for bread pudding and they had none but they had rum balls. It was great! It had rum and not too much choccy like the ones I'm used to. Could do with some more rum though.
Didn't get to go bra looking today, they're making some changes at work and calls were coming in. I'm hoping to stop by a store tomorrow before work. Work is gonna be CHAOS tomorrow, oh joy.
Went with David to go visit Kit but he was in the hospital. Apparent reaction to the spraying(Gov't spraying to get mosquitoes cuz there's been some malaria cases)
GOOD NEWS!!! I really hope this pans out. Not only is it great news for people suffering with cancer but it would be so great for Jamaica. Then again, these corrupt assholes read Gov't will make sure most of the money goes into their pockets instead of where it's really needed, health, education and security forces.
Went with David to go visit Kit but he was in the hospital. Apparent reaction to the spraying(Gov't spraying to get mosquitoes cuz there's been some malaria cases)
GOOD NEWS!!! I really hope this pans out. Not only is it great news for people suffering with cancer but it would be so great for Jamaica. Then again, these corrupt assholes read Gov't will make sure most of the money goes into their pockets instead of where it's really needed, health, education and security forces.
Monday, December 11, 2006
perfect day off
slept, ate, did my hair, well, doing my hair and little or no thinking.
How do you measure your bra size? I need bras cuz all of mine don't fit properly and dad's coming its muy easy to say dad pick up coupla bras than for me to go bra shopping. followed some online sites and I maybe a 42D or 38C and that's a huge difference. gonna stop by a store sometime this week and try get a real measurement try on a bra and figure it out.
How do you measure your bra size? I need bras cuz all of mine don't fit properly and dad's coming its muy easy to say dad pick up coupla bras than for me to go bra shopping. followed some online sites and I maybe a 42D or 38C and that's a huge difference. gonna stop by a store sometime this week and try get a real measurement try on a bra and figure it out.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
weird dreams
I had a...well not really weird just CREEPY dream. I was driving to country with one of my bosses and someone else in a convertible and he kept fondling me and I was encouraging and enjoying it. Just typing that made me feel icky.
I think I'm crushing on someone but he's not what's called available. Yes he's single but he's a friend's ex so that's a no go. But I love the feeling :)
I think I'm crushing on someone but he's not what's called available. Yes he's single but he's a friend's ex so that's a no go. But I love the feeling :)
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Had fun last night :) Corralled David into going out last night, we went to Red Bones Cafe, food was good, our waiter was good but the others were asses. I went outside to make a call and when I was going back in these two ladies were leaving cuz they've been waiting to be seated, so I brought them back in and called one of the waiter and it was like he couldn't be bothered. Mutabaruka was spinning CDs playing any and everything. RBC is a Jazz & Blues thing by the way but you wouldn't really know from the decor. Apart from the pics of Jazz & Blues greats the walls were real colorful. Also they need signage, there's none on the outside to say yes youre here and when you walk in there's none to say, enter here.
Anyhoo, onto the fun part, went to Grog Shoppe and met up with Soutar, he was there with some of his friends had some great convo, then I got to drinking. Had a Brown Skin Gal, then another of Soutar's friend came, only to find out he's Baby Shaq, a local artiste I have like 2 of his songs and one, Where I'm From, I really really love. Julian came after the others left. Soutar was teaching me the way of the cigar, wasn't working. The three of us had a great chat, I had 2 Brown Skin Gals so I was real, chatty. Haha. And that's all I'm saying :)
Anyhoo, onto the fun part, went to Grog Shoppe and met up with Soutar, he was there with some of his friends had some great convo, then I got to drinking. Had a Brown Skin Gal, then another of Soutar's friend came, only to find out he's Baby Shaq, a local artiste I have like 2 of his songs and one, Where I'm From, I really really love. Julian came after the others left. Soutar was teaching me the way of the cigar, wasn't working. The three of us had a great chat, I had 2 Brown Skin Gals so I was real, chatty. Haha. And that's all I'm saying :)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I saw a real transvestite tonight! I know to most people it's not a big deal, but this is Jamaica. That's NOT run of the mill stuff. So I'm at Carib and I went to get a straw and I turn around and there's this short thin woman, clutching a purse, walking dainty as you please with hoop earrings and braids. then I saw the face, it was a MAN! And his/her face, his beard, lol, he had a five o' clock shadow. OMG! He/she was walking towards the bathroom to see which one he/she used.
Just to put this in perspective, a few years ago, I doubt she'd have made it to Carib in one piece wherever she was from.
Anyhoo, I saw Casino Royale, twas good but loooong. I take back what I said about DC as Bond. There I said it.
Just to put this in perspective, a few years ago, I doubt she'd have made it to Carib in one piece wherever she was from.
Anyhoo, I saw Casino Royale, twas good but loooong. I take back what I said about DC as Bond. There I said it.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
had a little scare
so I had barely woke up when Greg calls to tell me K passes out and was in the hospital. So I rushed and went to see her. She had gastroenteritis, they had put her on a drip and took some blood but the released her with a strict diet and bed rest orders.
Finished Crick, Crack, Monkey, think I'm gonna follow Kleo and use my Vox as a book review. Vox has a pretty nifty cross post to LJ feature but none for Blogger. So I may just post a link to Blogger or not at all. Now to decide my next book.
Finished Crick, Crack, Monkey, think I'm gonna follow Kleo and use my Vox as a book review. Vox has a pretty nifty cross post to LJ feature but none for Blogger. So I may just post a link to Blogger or not at all. Now to decide my next book.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
just one of those moods
that won't really pass but it dims ever so often and fools you into thinking you're fine again.
K's upcoming wedding and Stacy's engagement just really hit me. I don't wanna be the jealous hater but it's really hard being happy for them.
I need to get more proactive with my life and all that jazz
K's upcoming wedding and Stacy's engagement just really hit me. I don't wanna be the jealous hater but it's really hard being happy for them.
I need to get more proactive with my life and all that jazz
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
today was a good day
work was pretty easy, got some sleep, I even did some writing.
Went to see Casino Royale but it was sold out, so I'll see it on Monday or whenever.
Went back to Grog Shoppe and hung out with David, who was eating with Julian, small world. Stayed and talked till around midnite, now I is home.
Mom is having a mini dinner party tomorrow, think I'm gonna skip and go by Gregory's, not my crowd.
Went to see Casino Royale but it was sold out, so I'll see it on Monday or whenever.
Went back to Grog Shoppe and hung out with David, who was eating with Julian, small world. Stayed and talked till around midnite, now I is home.
Mom is having a mini dinner party tomorrow, think I'm gonna skip and go by Gregory's, not my crowd.
Friday, December 01, 2006
I am Lrr of the planet Omicron Persei 8
I love drinking! I don't do it often and enough enough. Anyways, if you ever go by Grog Shoppe, stay away from brown Skin Gal, they're liars! It's supposed to be rum and coffee liquer, there's a drop of coffee liqueur for coloring but it's ALL rum! :) Aside from that. The food was great! And so was the service, it's a definite must-return.
Should go to bed, got work tomorrow. Also, gonna go see Casino Royale.
Should go to bed, got work tomorrow. Also, gonna go see Casino Royale.
bad boys, bad boys
what ya gonna do? what ya gonna do when they come for you?
Pull over. The cops pulled me and Steve over tonight. It was a spot check, so there was no ticket or anything, cuz I hid his radio in my bag.(The taxi license is for his other car).
Boo to David for wanting to go to Guilt Trip instead of East tomorrow boo.
Pull over. The cops pulled me and Steve over tonight. It was a spot check, so there was no ticket or anything, cuz I hid his radio in my bag.(The taxi license is for his other car).
Boo to David for wanting to go to Guilt Trip instead of East tomorrow boo.
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- today was a good day
- I am Lrr of the planet Omicron Persei 8
- bad boys, bad boys