Wednesday was Labour Day so no work for me :) Drove around with Craig, got food and slept. In the night Kams came by, she was going to a party. Then after she left the drama started. One of my neighbors, the girl that does nails when I came in for the night she was on my wall with her man. A little after I heard blocks falling and a sorta muted scream and I thought it was mom. I went to check to find mom at the window looking out, the blocks mum put up to stop ppl walking through our yard were on the ground and so was nails girl and her man was over her, hand in the air. I was shocked bcuz I see him run behind her and I know him, well not know him know him but I never pegged him for a woman beater. Apparently she heard he was cheating even had her friend come over and shout at him. Left them all out there, even Paul was out there. Paul says he he's done it before. Never figured her for the type of girl that would take that but see me and live wid me.
Anyhoo, last night I had a real bad dream, that I was very abusive to Brock(who for some reason was younger/smaller). Like I threw him down a hill. I woke up and was hugging him and shit and he looks at me like what are you smoking? It's time for my walk. It just freaks me out to even think I could be that violent to him. I mean he gets on my nerves sometimes but I just avoid him till I cool down.
Anyhoo, its my day off time to go sleep.
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