Saturday, May 05, 2007

jps sucks

we had a power cut today from a little before 2 until after 8. I kid you not. Wasn't so bad, I slept and played with my battery less flashlight. Which reminds me, I need to get a UPS as summer is the time of everyday power cuts.

Didn't go to work yesterday, cramps told me to stay home and I try not to disobey cramps.

People begging/offering ridiculously small amounts of money for my dog are getting annoying. Yes, he's cute. Just say that and move on. Don't make ridiculous offers and expect me to take you seriously. Dogs aren't scarce, they're easy to get. And if you want pedigree but can't afford it maybe a dog isn't for you.

oh yes, Thursday night I was walking on the road to meet my cab and this guy asked me if I worked at a nearby strip club. Should I be offended or flattered?

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica