Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I'll be working all fracking week, so no Friday off to sleep and enter icontests and go through tuts. Which reminded me, I still needed the part for my Ubuntu machine...still nothing and what upsets me is the pussyhole acted the enitre time like he was doing it. Only upside is my aunt and dad are coming this summer so I'm trying to get one of them to bring it in.

So far I'm glad I switched to 10-6, it's less work and I never get abandoned. Only thing my body hasn't adjusted to waking up so early but I get lots of sleep at work so that should sort itself soon.

Finally watched 4400 yesterday. Eppy 4.3 was pretty boring even though I loved seeing Constance Towers outside of GH. And what's happened to Shawn? His hair cut and colour do not fit him at all, he just looks yuck. And the best part, Isabelle escapes which adds my fuel to mu theory that she isn't as powerless as theyd like us to think. Shes the only one in the flipped van that isn't unconcscious and it seems Kyle is gonna be her new best friend. I'm really liking Cassie now and I think its partly cuz she reminds me of Hex's Thelma. Can't wait to see the next eppy.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica