Tuesday, July 17, 2007

it's just my sinus draining

right now it's just annoying, hopefully it wont get worse and block my nostrils.

We have this client at work that just suddenly switch. Before, he was one of the nice people, an idiot but a nice one(which reminds me, how did such an idiot get a job like his?) now he's an asshole AND an idiot. Now he questions everything I say like I don't know what I'm talking about. I have to constantly get my manager to repeat exactly what I just told him. Case in point, tonight he called, his dsl modem is auto rebooting and he's getting an attitude as in it's our fault. And I'm like its either a power or modem fault, he's like no it's a line fault. WTF? And he's totally disregarding all my troubleshooting suggestions as if I'm an idiot. So I put him on hold, consulted with another tech who agreed with me, after I told him this he finally backs down. Whatever, all the extra things I used to do for him, I'm done now.

Brock trashed the house today, came home and stuff was all over the place. You know it's bad when mom gives him the eye.

Today, I'm one step closer to my Nokia N95 :) Can't wait to get my hands on that phone!

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica