Me, David, Rog and David went to East last night. It was fun :) We ordered a lot of food and some likker and I had a tad too much but whatever. We should try it again sometime when I don't have work the next morning.
Speaking of, I hope the calls are few and far between today, I need to sleep
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Went toothbrush shopping today, wanted one of those battery operated ones, couldn't find any in the supermarket so I went to the pharmacy. The only battery ones they had were the rechargable ones for like $4000+. No that's NOT a typo(Americans divide by 67) there was another one for $8000+. When in my life am I to buy a damn toothbrush for so much money? I want some of what theyre smoking. I ended up buying one of them oral-b cross action, I like it, teeth feel clean and it actually gets between my teeth
good ole cable and wireless, flow light fire unda dem backside, dem nuh stop pop dung because dem a fix up dem network, I love competition. Except it's fucking with my job, people tiad a call me now and I'm working saturday, hopefully it won't pop dung again but I not holding my breath
I wanna go eat sushi and drink saki tomorrow, I'll call David and find out if he's game.
good ole cable and wireless, flow light fire unda dem backside, dem nuh stop pop dung because dem a fix up dem network, I love competition. Except it's fucking with my job, people tiad a call me now and I'm working saturday, hopefully it won't pop dung again but I not holding my breath
I wanna go eat sushi and drink saki tomorrow, I'll call David and find out if he's game.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
back inna di Gideon
after four days of doing whatever, went back to work and don't you know it? There's a DSL issue, so I had tons of Why isn't my internet not working?-Am I getting a discount?-Why aren't you telling people this on the radio?(my personal fave) And I almost tell some woman about her mother.
Tomorrow, is back to the dentist :( I must remember to eat a lot before I go cuz if it's that bitch again, my mouth will be sore.
I need to get my ass in gear and MAKE/WRITE something.
Tomorrow, is back to the dentist :( I must remember to eat a lot before I go cuz if it's that bitch again, my mouth will be sore.
I need to get my ass in gear and MAKE/WRITE something.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
so I'm sitting on the floor as mom combs my hair and I look down and I start laughing. See this is what happens when you wear pants and short sleeve shirts to work everyday; hands and legs that look like they belong to diff bodies:

PS: David, keep your smart remarks to yourself I KNOW you're not much better :P
PS: David, keep your smart remarks to yourself I KNOW you're not much better :P
I'm an idjit,
samba IS working, I can Network Neighborhood both computers from the other :) Finished copying music videos, doing music now.
I washed me hair :) did it the lazy way too, didn't pull out my twists, now onto the combing.
Finally decided what to get with my gift voucher. I knew mom was gonna say electric knife so I cut her off at the pass. I'm getting a blender/food processor, now for me to wait till after the holiday idiot season.
I washed me hair :) did it the lazy way too, didn't pull out my twists, now onto the combing.
Finally decided what to get with my gift voucher. I knew mom was gonna say electric knife so I cut her off at the pass. I'm getting a blender/food processor, now for me to wait till after the holiday idiot season.
R.I.P. James Brown
James Brown died earlier this morning from an heart attack related to his pneumonia. He was one of those performers that knew how to get people excited.
R.I.P. James Brown
R.I.P. James Brown
Sunday, December 24, 2006
screw samba
long live ssh. tried samba, wasn't working, I know it's cuz I forgot something but then I remembered openssh and I'm up and running. I'm now copying over my music vids. it's gonna be a long night but no cussing :)
slept till 3pm today :) Feel so proud. Then I did nothing but watch tv and stumbled the net :) I love having nothing to do, well, ignoring my to-do list. But this doing nothing is getting to me, so I'm gonna either sort the graphics stuff I downloaded or try setting up samba.
I'm 27 next year and it's bugging me. Like I don't think, I am where I wanna be at that age. And even better I really don't know where or what that is. My future plans were never anything specific. Just to travel and be happy. While the happy part comes and goes the travel part is non existent. I used to think in uni that once I graduated I'd pack a bag and go somewhere, didn't happen. To be honest, there really is nothing stopping me. I have the means and opportunity, the want but apparently not the will. Or I'm just chicken. Well, I am scared, scared of not knowing what I want, scared of being 70 and having a million regrets. bah, I think I should jus go back to bed or something.
Oh yeah, saw my godson yesterday. He's so cute :) and he's a nail biter. Althea says she maybe pregnant again. I hope she's not, another kid is all she needs right now. She asked me about having one. What exactly about I-do-not-want-kids don't people understand? I don't. I got a niece and two godkids and when my fence is finished I'll have a dog. :)
ok, time tocuss like a sailor setup samba.
I'm 27 next year and it's bugging me. Like I don't think, I am where I wanna be at that age. And even better I really don't know where or what that is. My future plans were never anything specific. Just to travel and be happy. While the happy part comes and goes the travel part is non existent. I used to think in uni that once I graduated I'd pack a bag and go somewhere, didn't happen. To be honest, there really is nothing stopping me. I have the means and opportunity, the want but apparently not the will. Or I'm just chicken. Well, I am scared, scared of not knowing what I want, scared of being 70 and having a million regrets. bah, I think I should jus go back to bed or something.
Oh yeah, saw my godson yesterday. He's so cute :) and he's a nail biter. Althea says she maybe pregnant again. I hope she's not, another kid is all she needs right now. She asked me about having one. What exactly about I-do-not-want-kids don't people understand? I don't. I got a niece and two godkids and when my fence is finished I'll have a dog. :)
ok, time to
my linux box is up and running :) freaking dumbass bios and dumbass me for taking so long to figure it out. I now have Fedora 6 installed since Ubuntu wasn't playing nice. Like it so far except the dumbasses decided to skip Firefox 2 and wait on 3. I can still install it but there's stuff I'd have to do that I can't be arsed to. Now I gotta setup Samba, one of my hard drives had to be formatted so I gotta copy my music videos.
Day 1 of my vacay done, spent with my computer and driving around with Warren. tomorrow, I'll really sleep and wash my hair, it's filthy which means it looks great and is easy to comb. why can't it be like that when it's clean?
Day 1 of my vacay done, spent with my computer and driving around with Warren. tomorrow, I'll really sleep and wash my hair, it's filthy which means it looks great and is easy to comb. why can't it be like that when it's clean?
Friday, December 22, 2006
calm after the storm
yesterday was a mini hell. my windows computer blue screened and refused to boot citing disk error and I was hella mad, it's not an old disk and I no longer had the receipt and I didn't wanna spend money to buy a new one. Went on the road to price check new drives, $$$$$$$, assholes. Then went to do my nails, which took forever, my nail lady moved offices and she was busy.
Went home, Gregory thankful figured out what was the prob with my windows machine, had to uninstall nero, it was making my comouter hella slow and buggy. Then it was time for my linux machine. Ubuntu 6.1 wouldnt install, so I downloaded 6.06, tried Xubuntu, went well till I changed the repositories to upgrade to 6.1, negative. So when I get homeI'm going back to normal Ubuntu. One of the 40 in the inux machine is screwed though so it's gotta reformat.
Wasted money and bought lunch today, forgot today was office xmas lunch. food was great! Except the garlic bread. I had the fish in coconut sauce, which was heaven, salad, ham, cake, sweet potato something and sorrel. yes, I'm stuffed, if I was at home I'd pull my belt and button. We got the $5000 MegaMart vouchers again, this time I dunno what I want, maybe I'll get the electric knife my mom wants.
Went home, Gregory thankful figured out what was the prob with my windows machine, had to uninstall nero, it was making my comouter hella slow and buggy. Then it was time for my linux machine. Ubuntu 6.1 wouldnt install, so I downloaded 6.06, tried Xubuntu, went well till I changed the repositories to upgrade to 6.1, negative. So when I get homeI'm going back to normal Ubuntu. One of the 40 in the inux machine is screwed though so it's gotta reformat.
Wasted money and bought lunch today, forgot today was office xmas lunch. food was great! Except the garlic bread. I had the fish in coconut sauce, which was heaven, salad, ham, cake, sweet potato something and sorrel. yes, I'm stuffed, if I was at home I'd pull my belt and button. We got the $5000 MegaMart vouchers again, this time I dunno what I want, maybe I'll get the electric knife my mom wants.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
the suck continues
I'm so glad I had a big breakfast this morning else I'd be starving right now. Went to the dentist for a cleaning and my mought hurts, chewing is not an option. Worse I got cavities, I gotta go back :( I also should floss more. I'm glad I got insurance, makes everything helluva lot cheaper.
Stinking c+w, went home to no net last night, woke up to none and I can bet I'm going home to none too. On top, the hard drive I bought to replace my 120 seems to be faulty, it's a wonderful life.
Neville Willoughby died today :( (for my non-Jamaican friends, he's a popular radio personality here) Apparently he was in a car accident yesterday and was in critical condition all of last night and died today :( My family is a RJR family, everyday we listened to Neville, Alan and Dorraine. This is really sad. R.I.P. Neville Willoughby.
Joseph Barbera died on Monday :( He co-produced one of my childhood faves, Tom & Jerry and The Jetsons. Hell, I still watch them now esp T&J. R.I.P. Joseph Barber.
Stinking c+w, went home to no net last night, woke up to none and I can bet I'm going home to none too. On top, the hard drive I bought to replace my 120 seems to be faulty, it's a wonderful life.
Neville Willoughby died today :( (for my non-Jamaican friends, he's a popular radio personality here) Apparently he was in a car accident yesterday and was in critical condition all of last night and died today :( My family is a RJR family, everyday we listened to Neville, Alan and Dorraine. This is really sad. R.I.P. Neville Willoughby.
Joseph Barbera died on Monday :( He co-produced one of my childhood faves, Tom & Jerry and The Jetsons. Hell, I still watch them now esp T&J. R.I.P. Joseph Barber.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
watched Eragon last night. waste of money. the lead unlike his char never got into his own. his acting was just not there and there were times when he came close then veered off course. John Malkovich was positively BORED. Some of the shots and chars were reminiscent of LOTR and it seemed rushed. I must say, Jeremy Irons was very good and the dragon, the CG didn't look too fake, they did a pretty good job on that. I ain't paying to watch part 2 and yes there will be a 2.
I want a dragon.
I want a dragon.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I love Audrey Reid!!
She was the MC at David's staff party and she's hilarious! And if I didn't love her before I'd so fall in love when she made David go on stage :P Which reminds me, I need to get those pics from Molyneaux. Had mad fun last night, made me really miss going out to clubs and dances. another reminder, take David to a club.
One of my former lectures is being brought up to the uni board for plagiarism. Apparently, all her notes, tests etc are straight from the net. We hated her ass in uni, she spent like the first 2/3 lecture teaching us BS and ignored us when we called her on it. THEN when she finally figured out she was wrong she just continued like nothing happened. I ignored her ass for the semester, only went to class for tests. We had to teach ourselves that subject. Even with all that, I still for sorry for her, I must be getting old. No doubt she deserves it, people have been complaining about it for years and if she was a nicer person it wouldn't be so bad. But if all those people who signed the petition to get her fired think she's going they don't know their uni very well.
My primary school principal died. She had pneumonia. She was a real cool lady. What I remember most is when I graduated primary school and everybody was giving me the keep up the good work in HS and don't let people down speech, she was the only one to say, enjoy it, you maybe starting the best years of your life. Turns out she was wrong but she was the only one whose congratulations wasn't tinged with a warning to not fall from grace. I needed it. R.I.P. Miss Bailey.
One of my former lectures is being brought up to the uni board for plagiarism. Apparently, all her notes, tests etc are straight from the net. We hated her ass in uni, she spent like the first 2/3 lecture teaching us BS and ignored us when we called her on it. THEN when she finally figured out she was wrong she just continued like nothing happened. I ignored her ass for the semester, only went to class for tests. We had to teach ourselves that subject. Even with all that, I still for sorry for her, I must be getting old. No doubt she deserves it, people have been complaining about it for years and if she was a nicer person it wouldn't be so bad. But if all those people who signed the petition to get her fired think she's going they don't know their uni very well.
My primary school principal died. She had pneumonia. She was a real cool lady. What I remember most is when I graduated primary school and everybody was giving me the keep up the good work in HS and don't let people down speech, she was the only one to say, enjoy it, you maybe starting the best years of your life. Turns out she was wrong but she was the only one whose congratulations wasn't tinged with a warning to not fall from grace. I needed it. R.I.P. Miss Bailey.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
work hasn't been as hectic as expected but then the switch hasn't happened yet so that maybe why.
hmm, LJ has made some changes to posting page, not bad.
I'm stuffed, I should really cut out this over eating thing. I mean I stop when I catch myself doing it but the curry today was too great. But I still hate being stuffed.
Speaking of food, the little pastry shop we frequent has added rum balls to the menu. Went for bread pudding and they had none but they had rum balls. It was great! It had rum and not too much choccy like the ones I'm used to. Could do with some more rum though.
hmm, LJ has made some changes to posting page, not bad.
I'm stuffed, I should really cut out this over eating thing. I mean I stop when I catch myself doing it but the curry today was too great. But I still hate being stuffed.
Speaking of food, the little pastry shop we frequent has added rum balls to the menu. Went for bread pudding and they had none but they had rum balls. It was great! It had rum and not too much choccy like the ones I'm used to. Could do with some more rum though.
Didn't get to go bra looking today, they're making some changes at work and calls were coming in. I'm hoping to stop by a store tomorrow before work. Work is gonna be CHAOS tomorrow, oh joy.
Went with David to go visit Kit but he was in the hospital. Apparent reaction to the spraying(Gov't spraying to get mosquitoes cuz there's been some malaria cases)
GOOD NEWS!!! I really hope this pans out. Not only is it great news for people suffering with cancer but it would be so great for Jamaica. Then again, these corrupt assholes read Gov't will make sure most of the money goes into their pockets instead of where it's really needed, health, education and security forces.
Went with David to go visit Kit but he was in the hospital. Apparent reaction to the spraying(Gov't spraying to get mosquitoes cuz there's been some malaria cases)
GOOD NEWS!!! I really hope this pans out. Not only is it great news for people suffering with cancer but it would be so great for Jamaica. Then again, these corrupt assholes read Gov't will make sure most of the money goes into their pockets instead of where it's really needed, health, education and security forces.
Monday, December 11, 2006
perfect day off
slept, ate, did my hair, well, doing my hair and little or no thinking.
How do you measure your bra size? I need bras cuz all of mine don't fit properly and dad's coming its muy easy to say dad pick up coupla bras than for me to go bra shopping. followed some online sites and I maybe a 42D or 38C and that's a huge difference. gonna stop by a store sometime this week and try get a real measurement try on a bra and figure it out.
How do you measure your bra size? I need bras cuz all of mine don't fit properly and dad's coming its muy easy to say dad pick up coupla bras than for me to go bra shopping. followed some online sites and I maybe a 42D or 38C and that's a huge difference. gonna stop by a store sometime this week and try get a real measurement try on a bra and figure it out.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
weird dreams
I had a...well not really weird just CREEPY dream. I was driving to country with one of my bosses and someone else in a convertible and he kept fondling me and I was encouraging and enjoying it. Just typing that made me feel icky.
I think I'm crushing on someone but he's not what's called available. Yes he's single but he's a friend's ex so that's a no go. But I love the feeling :)
I think I'm crushing on someone but he's not what's called available. Yes he's single but he's a friend's ex so that's a no go. But I love the feeling :)
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Had fun last night :) Corralled David into going out last night, we went to Red Bones Cafe, food was good, our waiter was good but the others were asses. I went outside to make a call and when I was going back in these two ladies were leaving cuz they've been waiting to be seated, so I brought them back in and called one of the waiter and it was like he couldn't be bothered. Mutabaruka was spinning CDs playing any and everything. RBC is a Jazz & Blues thing by the way but you wouldn't really know from the decor. Apart from the pics of Jazz & Blues greats the walls were real colorful. Also they need signage, there's none on the outside to say yes youre here and when you walk in there's none to say, enter here.
Anyhoo, onto the fun part, went to Grog Shoppe and met up with Soutar, he was there with some of his friends had some great convo, then I got to drinking. Had a Brown Skin Gal, then another of Soutar's friend came, only to find out he's Baby Shaq, a local artiste I have like 2 of his songs and one, Where I'm From, I really really love. Julian came after the others left. Soutar was teaching me the way of the cigar, wasn't working. The three of us had a great chat, I had 2 Brown Skin Gals so I was real, chatty. Haha. And that's all I'm saying :)
Anyhoo, onto the fun part, went to Grog Shoppe and met up with Soutar, he was there with some of his friends had some great convo, then I got to drinking. Had a Brown Skin Gal, then another of Soutar's friend came, only to find out he's Baby Shaq, a local artiste I have like 2 of his songs and one, Where I'm From, I really really love. Julian came after the others left. Soutar was teaching me the way of the cigar, wasn't working. The three of us had a great chat, I had 2 Brown Skin Gals so I was real, chatty. Haha. And that's all I'm saying :)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I saw a real transvestite tonight! I know to most people it's not a big deal, but this is Jamaica. That's NOT run of the mill stuff. So I'm at Carib and I went to get a straw and I turn around and there's this short thin woman, clutching a purse, walking dainty as you please with hoop earrings and braids. then I saw the face, it was a MAN! And his/her face, his beard, lol, he had a five o' clock shadow. OMG! He/she was walking towards the bathroom to see which one he/she used.
Just to put this in perspective, a few years ago, I doubt she'd have made it to Carib in one piece wherever she was from.
Anyhoo, I saw Casino Royale, twas good but loooong. I take back what I said about DC as Bond. There I said it.
Just to put this in perspective, a few years ago, I doubt she'd have made it to Carib in one piece wherever she was from.
Anyhoo, I saw Casino Royale, twas good but loooong. I take back what I said about DC as Bond. There I said it.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
had a little scare
so I had barely woke up when Greg calls to tell me K passes out and was in the hospital. So I rushed and went to see her. She had gastroenteritis, they had put her on a drip and took some blood but the released her with a strict diet and bed rest orders.
Finished Crick, Crack, Monkey, think I'm gonna follow Kleo and use my Vox as a book review. Vox has a pretty nifty cross post to LJ feature but none for Blogger. So I may just post a link to Blogger or not at all. Now to decide my next book.
Finished Crick, Crack, Monkey, think I'm gonna follow Kleo and use my Vox as a book review. Vox has a pretty nifty cross post to LJ feature but none for Blogger. So I may just post a link to Blogger or not at all. Now to decide my next book.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
just one of those moods
that won't really pass but it dims ever so often and fools you into thinking you're fine again.
K's upcoming wedding and Stacy's engagement just really hit me. I don't wanna be the jealous hater but it's really hard being happy for them.
I need to get more proactive with my life and all that jazz
K's upcoming wedding and Stacy's engagement just really hit me. I don't wanna be the jealous hater but it's really hard being happy for them.
I need to get more proactive with my life and all that jazz
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
today was a good day
work was pretty easy, got some sleep, I even did some writing.
Went to see Casino Royale but it was sold out, so I'll see it on Monday or whenever.
Went back to Grog Shoppe and hung out with David, who was eating with Julian, small world. Stayed and talked till around midnite, now I is home.
Mom is having a mini dinner party tomorrow, think I'm gonna skip and go by Gregory's, not my crowd.
Went to see Casino Royale but it was sold out, so I'll see it on Monday or whenever.
Went back to Grog Shoppe and hung out with David, who was eating with Julian, small world. Stayed and talked till around midnite, now I is home.
Mom is having a mini dinner party tomorrow, think I'm gonna skip and go by Gregory's, not my crowd.
Friday, December 01, 2006
I am Lrr of the planet Omicron Persei 8
I love drinking! I don't do it often and enough enough. Anyways, if you ever go by Grog Shoppe, stay away from brown Skin Gal, they're liars! It's supposed to be rum and coffee liquer, there's a drop of coffee liqueur for coloring but it's ALL rum! :) Aside from that. The food was great! And so was the service, it's a definite must-return.
Should go to bed, got work tomorrow. Also, gonna go see Casino Royale.
Should go to bed, got work tomorrow. Also, gonna go see Casino Royale.
bad boys, bad boys
what ya gonna do? what ya gonna do when they come for you?
Pull over. The cops pulled me and Steve over tonight. It was a spot check, so there was no ticket or anything, cuz I hid his radio in my bag.(The taxi license is for his other car).
Boo to David for wanting to go to Guilt Trip instead of East tomorrow boo.
Pull over. The cops pulled me and Steve over tonight. It was a spot check, so there was no ticket or anything, cuz I hid his radio in my bag.(The taxi license is for his other car).
Boo to David for wanting to go to Guilt Trip instead of East tomorrow boo.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
long live Japan!
Went to East last night :D Sushi never tasted so good! And the wasabi! I missed it soo much I put on too much on my first piece and my eyes watered. Also tried Japanese beer, Asahi, loved it. It's much smoother and a tad sweeter than wat I'm used to. Then we had Ice Cream Tempura, GREATNESS!!!!!!!! Words cannot describe how much I love ICT.
Tomorrow is my day off and apart from running and cleaning my computer desk, I have no plans. I want to call Craig and see if I can go chill by his farm. Or I could sleep :)
Tomorrow is my day off and apart from running and cleaning my computer desk, I have no plans. I want to call Craig and see if I can go chill by his farm. Or I could sleep :)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
it's been awhile
haven't blogged in awhile, havent got shat to say. least nothing good. exercise is on and off. still havent made the dentist appointment yet. picked up multivitamins today. hair is in twists again after months of canerow. Friday is my day off, so I'm gonna wash and redo them.
Soutar IMed, he wants to go for sushi, I'm game, Rog is iffy. I wanna see Casino Royale, hopefully afterwork on Saturday, I hear it's good. Yes, I know I ragged on DC but he was being such a bitch about playing Bond that he really irked me.
Soutar IMed, he wants to go for sushi, I'm game, Rog is iffy. I wanna see Casino Royale, hopefully afterwork on Saturday, I hear it's good. Yes, I know I ragged on DC but he was being such a bitch about playing Bond that he really irked me.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
hmm, since I've heard that some asshole or the next wants to ban literature books with patois from our schools, I've been in a memory lane kick with my old literature books. I recently bought and read Escape To Last Man's Peak and my love for it still grows. Why would anyone want to take such great literature, about Jamaican kids no less, from schools. When I was younger reading was my #1 thing to do. Especially Caribbean literature, because I could identify with it. Read a passage and go. 'Yep, that's so true.' I'm glad that that idiot is being ignored, I think it's important for young people to read books about themselves, their culture, to know it is of value.
So, I'm now digging up my old books and buying new ones. I bought Crick Crack, Monkey last week and I'm loving it. the writing style is great. Her descriptions make conjuring a mental image so easy.
I'm trying to find my copy of Charles Hyatt's When Me Was A Boy, that book was hilarious. And a good look at Jamaica before I was born.
In unrelated news, I stumbled on this pic and I just love it!:

So, I'm now digging up my old books and buying new ones. I bought Crick Crack, Monkey last week and I'm loving it. the writing style is great. Her descriptions make conjuring a mental image so easy.
I'm trying to find my copy of Charles Hyatt's When Me Was A Boy, that book was hilarious. And a good look at Jamaica before I was born.
In unrelated news, I stumbled on this pic and I just love it!:
Thursday, November 23, 2006
the ups of public transportation
so I'm on a HWT bus wen this preacher comes on and starts preaching. Him do di usual ask ppl to say a 'Praise God' and nobody ansa him. So him go fi the guilt card and bus di 'When unnu go unnu bed last nite unnu neva have no guarantee to wake up.' and him get 2/3 'Praise God' So him start him sermon and me only hear a one 'Selassie!' All of a sudden, all the other "christians" that were ignoring the preacher find dem mouth. The holy war was on! I wish I had a video camera. The "christians" vs the rastafarians. One heap a 'Praise God', 'Bun a dutty Jesus', 'Selassie dead', 'Jesus is the devil' etc etc. Me nearly dead wid laff.
So anyway, wen di bus reach 3 Mile, the rastas came off and some white people wid dem. Den the preacher find fi him mout(him wasnt really arguing with the rastas, he was just shouting over them). Hear the preacher him now nuh, "See ya, a cause dem a travel with white people mek dem a try show off. Mus be a rent a dread."
Watev, everyone knows, if ur in a bus wid a rasta or two and someone starts preaching, argument a go gwan, so him fi quiet.
Bwoy me neva laff so hard in ages.
So anyway, wen di bus reach 3 Mile, the rastas came off and some white people wid dem. Den the preacher find fi him mout(him wasnt really arguing with the rastas, he was just shouting over them). Hear the preacher him now nuh, "See ya, a cause dem a travel with white people mek dem a try show off. Mus be a rent a dread."
Watev, everyone knows, if ur in a bus wid a rasta or two and someone starts preaching, argument a go gwan, so him fi quiet.
Bwoy me neva laff so hard in ages.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I drove home!
Steve(my cabbie) gave me the keys and drove home. :) Shut up David! Me, him and the car reached Portmore without incident.
work keeps getting shittier and shittier. Kam will be out sick this week, therefore it's not gonna be good. Esp with the dial up probs.
my life feels sorta boring. and I'm trying to be careful saying this cuz I know how it can blow up in my face. Hmm, hows about I ask for a LITTLE excitement, haha.
No more sun! Since Monday I think it's been rainy and cool. Not really complaining, glad I bought the sneakers(twas a tad weird driving in them). Hopefully I wont have to get a jacket or sweater since I work nights.
LOL, Screech's porn tape has finally leaked. Who wanna see Screech do a dirty Sanchez? lol, me neither.
work keeps getting shittier and shittier. Kam will be out sick this week, therefore it's not gonna be good. Esp with the dial up probs.
my life feels sorta boring. and I'm trying to be careful saying this cuz I know how it can blow up in my face. Hmm, hows about I ask for a LITTLE excitement, haha.
No more sun! Since Monday I think it's been rainy and cool. Not really complaining, glad I bought the sneakers(twas a tad weird driving in them). Hopefully I wont have to get a jacket or sweater since I work nights.
LOL, Screech's porn tape has finally leaked. Who wanna see Screech do a dirty Sanchez? lol, me neither.
Monday, November 20, 2006
my job blows
royally. it's bad enough when I get idiots but when I get ppl with legitimate probs and I can't help them it's so much worse. BTW C&W are fucking asses but apart from that I work with fuckwads sometimes, seriously.
Friday, November 17, 2006
day offs are great!
Today was my day off :) I didn't run but I did exercise, wash my hair and reinstalled XP.
too bad I got work tomorrow :(
I'm not feeling so good. I can't believe I overate :( Ugh! I ordered too much food and insisted on finishing it now I just feel awful.
I wonder how come my mom isn't home yet, I need her to do my hair.
too bad I got work tomorrow :(
I'm not feeling so good. I can't believe I overate :( Ugh! I ordered too much food and insisted on finishing it now I just feel awful.
I wonder how come my mom isn't home yet, I need her to do my hair.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Happy Birthday Roger
I swear that boy lies when he says carrot cake is his fave. I bet its cuz him and like 2 other people in Jamaica do. Craven.
Realized the deadline for the JET is too soon for me to apply :( so I'm gonna hunt and see if another country has a similar program.
Finally switched monitors at work, the difference is so clear. So I maybe will start GIMPing soon. Ive been thinking some avatars with popular expressions. Or even song lyrics, we'll see.
I ran this morning! Haha, no 8 Minute workouts but I did do yoga and some exercise thing on FitTV.
Realized the deadline for the JET is too soon for me to apply :( so I'm gonna hunt and see if another country has a similar program.
Finally switched monitors at work, the difference is so clear. So I maybe will start GIMPing soon. Ive been thinking some avatars with popular expressions. Or even song lyrics, we'll see.
I ran this morning! Haha, no 8 Minute workouts but I did do yoga and some exercise thing on FitTV.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
that was a bore
David lent me Devil Wears Prada and after much skipping and some reading, I'm thoroughly bored. Hopefully the movie is better. Thanks David but lend me something more interesting next time.
Today was a good day. I slept through most of it. I love having the house to myself.
Greg's mom sent me dinner :) So I'm all good for food.
Tomorrow's to-do list:
1) Fill out the JET application form
2) Research similar programs
Today was a good day. I slept through most of it. I love having the house to myself.
Greg's mom sent me dinner :) So I'm all good for food.
Tomorrow's to-do list:
1) Fill out the JET application form
2) Research similar programs
Saturday, November 11, 2006
not much here
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
some days I really hate my job
so I'm on the phone for nearly two hours with C&W trying to get this guy's DSL up to no avail, so I'm about to report it and guy calls in to say he had reset the modem thereby making all the troubleshooting moot. His ass is gonna wait till tomorrow.
Went back to my Vox today. Still have no use for it yet but until I figure it out I'm gonna be doing their QuestionOfTheDay thingy.
I have this weekend off! Gonna use Saturday and get glitter tips on my nails and gonna reinstall XP on Sunday.
Everyday I use Post-Its to clean my teeth despite having dental floss in my bag.
I'm trying to have a chapter up tomorrow, it's my self imposed deadline. Speaking of which, I need to switch monitors so I can start iconing or something.
Went back to my Vox today. Still have no use for it yet but until I figure it out I'm gonna be doing their QuestionOfTheDay thingy.
I have this weekend off! Gonna use Saturday and get glitter tips on my nails and gonna reinstall XP on Sunday.
Everyday I use Post-Its to clean my teeth despite having dental floss in my bag.
I'm trying to have a chapter up tomorrow, it's my self imposed deadline. Speaking of which, I need to switch monitors so I can start iconing or something.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
slowly but surely
I is writing again. Currently working on two stories, I need to get a hold of Crysta we need to finish something. I did setup Gimp on my Suse box, so maybe I'll have a icon or two to show for it. Only prob is the monitor at work is dark so they may come out too bright or something.
Some of my fave celeb gossip blogs went wild with the news of the supposed Britney+Kevin split. Yes I know official papers were filed and all, but britney aint no paragon of truth. Lets not forget he has an album out, she has one she's working on. But people are happy, why? The damage is done, they might as well stayed married.
Some of my fave celeb gossip blogs went wild with the news of the supposed Britney+Kevin split. Yes I know official papers were filed and all, but britney aint no paragon of truth. Lets not forget he has an album out, she has one she's working on. But people are happy, why? The damage is done, they might as well stayed married.
Monday, November 06, 2006
apathy or whatever
all damn day all I wanna do is sleep. I sleep at work, I sleep on the way home and now I'm home, I dont wanna sleep, write, read, watch tv, do anything. oh joy.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
just saw Last King of Scotland greatness! I love having a movie that doesnt disappoint. All around great performances. Scully Gillian Anderson I almost didn't recognize, Kerry Washington, lets just say I saw a new side of her :D Forest was so fricking great!
Brought my linux box to work today and watched ATHF all day. I know I shoulda watched Heroes but I really wasn't interested.
LJ was down today, sometimes when I'm bored I troll LJ, search by interest which usually yields some interesting journals/communites but none of that for me.
Apparently Chris Rock and Malaak are divorcing, which doesn't really surprise me esp after his last special, his jokes on marriage didnt really seem to be just jokes, then again its Chris Rock, he doesn't really do just jokes.
Brought my linux box to work today and watched ATHF all day. I know I shoulda watched Heroes but I really wasn't interested.
LJ was down today, sometimes when I'm bored I troll LJ, search by interest which usually yields some interesting journals/communites but none of that for me.
Apparently Chris Rock and Malaak are divorcing, which doesn't really surprise me esp after his last special, his jokes on marriage didnt really seem to be just jokes, then again its Chris Rock, he doesn't really do just jokes.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
THIS is why people ask me dumbass questions on the internet
"Batty man does not mean gay. A batty man is a man that like to have sex through the rear; he isn't gay." Beanie Man
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I think I should be sad or something
but whatever. I just read this, funny I got it from Tara seeing as she's in a diff country but I don't do news, local or international. Ever since the dutty wine buss I was never a fan. To me it was never fun, appealing or safe now some young fool girl is dead and worse it wont make a diff but to a few. Best believe dutty wine dancing and competitions will continue. Thank you Tony Matterhorn.
back on the wagon
So after going a week without exercise I ran and exercised this morning. Suprisingly I ran more than usual. We decided to add 8 Minute Legs into the exercise routine cuz really my thighs need it.
But a lotta time was spent getting mom's computer to actually play the vids. I'm gonna have to format and reinstall windows again. my mom has the amazing ability to screw up computers by doing "Nothing." And she calls me names when I run her off mine.
So I'm wearing my new blue jeans today and it fits like one of Rog's, too big. But I like it, even though it makes me look I spent the night at my boyfriend's. Everyone prefers my black sneakers to my blue ones. I do too but the blue feels comfier.
Friday, theyre gonna knock holes in our side wall to make windows, so I gotta move my computers, DSL modem and a bunch of wires. So my Friday off won't really be a Friday off. Hopefully I can borrow George's car and go by the RGD to do my dad's birth certificate that I always keep forgetting about.
But a lotta time was spent getting mom's computer to actually play the vids. I'm gonna have to format and reinstall windows again. my mom has the amazing ability to screw up computers by doing "Nothing." And she calls me names when I run her off mine.
So I'm wearing my new blue jeans today and it fits like one of Rog's, too big. But I like it, even though it makes me look I spent the night at my boyfriend's. Everyone prefers my black sneakers to my blue ones. I do too but the blue feels comfier.
Friday, theyre gonna knock holes in our side wall to make windows, so I gotta move my computers, DSL modem and a bunch of wires. So my Friday off won't really be a Friday off. Hopefully I can borrow George's car and go by the RGD to do my dad's birth certificate that I always keep forgetting about.
home renovation,
mom's computer,
new clothes
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Boyz II Men have a new album?
Yes they do and it's called The Remedy. Why didn't I know this? Where's the vids? The singles, the talk show rounds? I wanna hear it!
Monday, October 30, 2006
and a good time was had by all
I love Serchen Morris. When warren flaked, heh, Serchen came through for me. The party was good. The cheesecake was excellent and I'm not a cheeseake fan. I love Greg's friends, they always make great conversation. Even saw Melissa, her son wasn't with her though. I missed Stacy, she left before I arrived.
I should be able to bring my linux box to work on Saturday. I'm copying stuff to it now, which reminds me, I have tons of textures and brushes to sort. Gonna take forever. Gonna try just grab a tut at random and make something.
I feel like sushi, gotta call David and see if we ca go to East this week. Ice cream tempura!
I should be able to bring my linux box to work on Saturday. I'm copying stuff to it now, which reminds me, I have tons of textures and brushes to sort. Gonna take forever. Gonna try just grab a tut at random and make something.
I feel like sushi, gotta call David and see if we ca go to East this week. Ice cream tempura!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
party over there
well, it's more of a get together. It's Greg's birthday and K is throwing him a party. There's gonna be cake and stuff and people I havent seen in awhile.
Went shopping yesterday, got me a blue jeans and two sneakers, spent entirely too much money but I really love the sneakers.
Rog came by and got my samba working and multimedia. Now I gotta configure it to use my headphones. Cuz Suse unlike Ubuntu doesnt just auto detect and uses my headphones, it detects it but have to manually switch it or something. So I'm gonna do that now.
Went shopping yesterday, got me a blue jeans and two sneakers, spent entirely too much money but I really love the sneakers.
Rog came by and got my samba working and multimedia. Now I gotta configure it to use my headphones. Cuz Suse unlike Ubuntu doesnt just auto detect and uses my headphones, it detects it but have to manually switch it or something. So I'm gonna do that now.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
ram goat liver
good fi mek mannish water. Hehe, not sure if ram goat liver wa in mine but it was gooooood! me enjoy myself tonite. watch domino and dem ask me if me want to play, haha. me nuh play wid dem season man deh. And if yuh skin nuh tuff stay pon di sidelines, some card draw tonite neva pretty at all. Yes nine nite was fun. except di selecta play di million and one dutty wine songs and some eediat ask me if me nah dutty wine. look nuh, dutty wine is one dance that don't appeal to me inna di least.
before dat me follow Rog go supermarket and I saw root beer! always wanted to try dat, it's in the fridge. And the best part they had CHOCOLATE! Not candy chocolate, or Nesquick chocolate but CHOCOLATE! good ole Jamaican chocolate where dem sun dry do Cocoa beans, roast it and ground in it caan memba di name. You know like when you have like a bowl and and you use a spoon or something to smash wats in it? Anyways wen me was likkle there was this old woman up di road from me. She used to mek it and me and my cuz would go up there to do the pounding, so know I had to buy it.
then we went by Kit's, him have an acoustic guitar, well two but one dont have strings. I need to get me one and learn how to play.
Anyways, on my way home, thinking all the excitement was done, negative! Two people dead outta mall. Apparently some bike man coming off di highway lose control or someting and him and him pillion went flying. him dead pon de spot and she dead on di way to hospital.
Anyways, me gone a me bed aka stay up late watch tv and catch up wid me forums :)
before dat me follow Rog go supermarket and I saw root beer! always wanted to try dat, it's in the fridge. And the best part they had CHOCOLATE! Not candy chocolate, or Nesquick chocolate but CHOCOLATE! good ole Jamaican chocolate where dem sun dry do Cocoa beans, roast it and ground in it caan memba di name. You know like when you have like a bowl and and you use a spoon or something to smash wats in it? Anyways wen me was likkle there was this old woman up di road from me. She used to mek it and me and my cuz would go up there to do the pounding, so know I had to buy it.
then we went by Kit's, him have an acoustic guitar, well two but one dont have strings. I need to get me one and learn how to play.
Anyways, on my way home, thinking all the excitement was done, negative! Two people dead outta mall. Apparently some bike man coming off di highway lose control or someting and him and him pillion went flying. him dead pon de spot and she dead on di way to hospital.
Anyways, me gone a me bed aka stay up late watch tv and catch up wid me forums :)
Friday, October 27, 2006
my day was just fine until I went to Island Grill, ordered the chicken sandwich instead of the jerk burger and didn't notice till it was too late to change it. I swear the bitches switched the menu up. 7 is the jerk burger not damn chicken sandwich. So I had dumbass chicken sandwich and I hated every bite, ugh!
Me have a ni' night to go to later. One of the taxi men was killed and they're having his ni' night tonight. Can dust off mi domino skills, heh. FYI ni' night(nine night) is a funeral tradition. For nine nights after a person dies, friends and family gather and have a wake. The last night (ninth night) is the biggest and depending on where you are, what is done varies. Can read more at the Wiki. Any questions feel free to ask.
Me have a ni' night to go to later. One of the taxi men was killed and they're having his ni' night tonight. Can dust off mi domino skills, heh. FYI ni' night(nine night) is a funeral tradition. For nine nights after a person dies, friends and family gather and have a wake. The last night (ninth night) is the biggest and depending on where you are, what is done varies. Can read more at the Wiki. Any questions feel free to ask.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
just one of those days
all I wanna do is call in sick and spend the day in bed. It's rainy outside and I really want a dog.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
lunch was good!
SO I came to work as Roget, Greg and Romaine were going for lunch and I went along for lasagna and got a free lunch :) It was cool hanging with the guys, I missed that, not with these guys but with my guy friends that are all scattered right now.
I can't believe it's almost November and the sun is still bitching! So glad for the bag juice vendors in HWT.
So now I'm at work and all I wanna do is sleep, nothing new there. Haha.
Firefox 2 is out but I'm keeping my wait-and-see attitude, I'ma wait for 2.1 when all the new bugs get reported and dealt with.
I can't believe it's almost November and the sun is still bitching! So glad for the bag juice vendors in HWT.
So now I'm at work and all I wanna do is sleep, nothing new there. Haha.
Firefox 2 is out but I'm keeping my wait-and-see attitude, I'ma wait for 2.1 when all the new bugs get reported and dealt with.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
day off wasted!!
just ugh! Greg asks me for help comes over from last night and takes over my comp. Why do people ask for help and then ignore it? Maybe our writing styles are just different but a lot of things he did was just repetitive to me and the flow was spastic. And because this paper took all damn I didn't get to go to RGD and take care of my dad's BC or get any work on Samba, just fucking great.
I really wanna bring my Linux box back to work but I wanna copy back my music and stuff to it first and this is really pissing me off! And dumbass ssh doesn't work either, boo.
Anyhoo, time to go tinker with the puter..
I really wanna bring my Linux box back to work but I wanna copy back my music and stuff to it first and this is really pissing me off! And dumbass ssh doesn't work either, boo.
Anyhoo, time to go tinker with the puter..
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Love is my Religion
Had a very painful conversation last night which spawned my previous post and the current title. Suprisingly I woke up this morning feeling a whole lot better. Better and done. It's the end of an era folks and all that jazz. Watev.
I want a snake and/or dog but mostly a snake. So I'm gonna hit up Google do some snakes as pets reserch and see what happens.
I love my nails :) Theyre getting long again. Next time I'm gonna get acrylic with glitter in it.
I want a snake and/or dog but mostly a snake. So I'm gonna hit up Google do some snakes as pets reserch and see what happens.
I love my nails :) Theyre getting long again. Next time I'm gonna get acrylic with glitter in it.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
not a bad night
So I went to Sovereign to get my jerk burger and run into K, Greg and Lexi and ate with them. They were telling me about some UWI professor that got kidnapped and robbed. Apparently he's also a radio personality and that's why they didn't kill him. We also saw Diana King, she looks lighter and rounder than the last time I saw her but she still looks good.
I left to meet up with Warren and Noel, they were watching Fearless but I watched Haven nd it was good. I had some laughs and Orlando was watchable. Didnt see as much of Zoe as I wouldve liked but I still loved it. Diff people with their mini dramas that sorta come together but not really. Good movie.
I left to meet up with Warren and Noel, they were watching Fearless but I watched Haven nd it was good. I had some laughs and Orlando was watchable. Didnt see as much of Zoe as I wouldve liked but I still loved it. Diff people with their mini dramas that sorta come together but not really. Good movie.
Me a starve!
I want Island Grill sooooooooo bad! I wanta Jerk Burger, fries and bammy :) Rog is taking forever to get here, bugger!
I only have oreos to munch on meanwhile. :(
I only have oreos to munch on meanwhile. :(
Friday, October 20, 2006
An accident!
So I'm coming home and there's traffic going into Garveymeade, I thought it was because of the rain and potholes...nope. A minibus ran into the back of a parked truck. I highly doubt anyone in the front survived. Gotta ask questions tomorrow, find out what happened.
exercise is an eye opener
"woke up" this morning and after much debaing called Greg and slept till he came. I didn't wanna wake up and go back to sleep again, trying to break the habit. Greg decided to do the 8 Minute Stretch as well, not a bad idea after the first go through of Abs I was wide awake, even felt like running but I didn't :P
Rog helped me mount my drives last night and theyre all up and running. Sent him to buy the DVD burner and he bought a DVD rom drive, had to go back and exchange it.
I'm hoping to go see Haven tomorrow, I've been hearing about it from early this year if not last year, hopefully it's good. David wants to go see Crank or something, hmm.
Yay! I'm not as broke as I thought I was :) but I will be soon
Rog helped me mount my drives last night and theyre all up and running. Sent him to buy the DVD burner and he bought a DVD rom drive, had to go back and exchange it.
I'm hoping to go see Haven tomorrow, I've been hearing about it from early this year if not last year, hopefully it's good. David wants to go see Crank or something, hmm.
Yay! I'm not as broke as I thought I was :) but I will be soon
Thursday, October 19, 2006
on the wagon, off the wagon
haha, slept through the alarm today, that's a first. means extra laps tomorrow, blech.
Finally decided on the burner, so I asked Rog to pick me up one and bring it to me later, hopefully he got to the store before it closed.
Still haven't mounted my drives yet but I can do it tonight or tomorrow morning. Then I can start on Samba. I'm liking Suse, it more user friendly than I expected, dare I say, even more so than Ubuntu. One prob though is when I install the TabMix Plus Firefox plugin, had some probs with it so I had it uninstalled :( But I'm gonna try again when I get home, that plugin is muy useful.
I got my nails done! I chose a nice purple colour, I was gonna choose black but its black and I wanted color. Stopped by Captain's and got some donuts, plain and coconut. Today was muy cloudy and by the time I got to work I was craving Milo and there was none, totally craptastic.
I wanna sleep sooooooo bad! I think I'm going straight to bed once I get home.
Finally decided on the burner, so I asked Rog to pick me up one and bring it to me later, hopefully he got to the store before it closed.
Still haven't mounted my drives yet but I can do it tonight or tomorrow morning. Then I can start on Samba. I'm liking Suse, it more user friendly than I expected, dare I say, even more so than Ubuntu. One prob though is when I install the TabMix Plus Firefox plugin, had some probs with it so I had it uninstalled :( But I'm gonna try again when I get home, that plugin is muy useful.
I got my nails done! I chose a nice purple colour, I was gonna choose black but its black and I wanted color. Stopped by Captain's and got some donuts, plain and coconut. Today was muy cloudy and by the time I got to work I was craving Milo and there was none, totally craptastic.
I wanna sleep sooooooo bad! I think I'm going straight to bed once I get home.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
ok, I did it
I installed Suse 10.1 and it installed just fine, except I'm an idjit that saved my fstab to a drive so no I gotta do my fstab all over again AND my screen is too much to the right but I'll tinker with it when I get home. I'm definately getting a dvd drive well, I'm still not sure if I'm gonna go ahead and get the burner, if I can get the extra RAM then yeah but PC133 RAM aint gonna be easy to find.
I finally went running today, no exercise but I ran.
My head hurts and I think it's cuz I stayed up installing Suse and not sleep after my run as usual. But Greg is working with me tonight so me ago get some sleep.
Speaking of work, oh lawd, it's primary school all over again. Who call up whofa name, who nah chat to who, I'm so glad the incindiary event happened on my day off. So I'm out of this.
Yay! One of my fave boards is still down but we've created a temp board in the meantime and while some folks are still MIA most of my faves are there so I'm good.
I finally went running today, no exercise but I ran.
My head hurts and I think it's cuz I stayed up installing Suse and not sleep after my run as usual. But Greg is working with me tonight so me ago get some sleep.
Speaking of work, oh lawd, it's primary school all over again. Who call up whofa name, who nah chat to who, I'm so glad the incindiary event happened on my day off. So I'm out of this.
Yay! One of my fave boards is still down but we've created a temp board in the meantime and while some folks are still MIA most of my faves are there so I'm good.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I need to get laid
or I could just need to get up off my ass and run in the morning. Nooooo I didn't run this morning, Greg says his phone was locked in the car and I'm not about to run by myself.
Yay! Jaz has been released from the hospital :) I'm glad she's better and out.
I'm wondering if I should just get a new DVD drive for my linux box or get a DVD burner. If I get the burner I'll need more RAM. Bah! cba
A friend(acquaintance is a better word) is getting divorced, she came over to tell me all about it, like I care. I still remember last year when she was at my house flashing her ring in my face talking shit about my relationship with Rog just cuz she's newly married. In fact she's lucky I didn't laugh in her face. Even though Rog and I are no longer together and me periodically wanting to run him over(he deserves it and he knows this) at least we're not at each other's throats. You don't come show off and denigrate my relaionship in the process and turn around mourn your failed relationship and expect me to be all, "There, there, he's an asshole." Fact is you both fucked up. But ofcourse I'm not married so you ignored anything I said. Suck it up.
Speaking of which, I dreamt I got married some days ago. Long story short, I started a business same time my hubby started his, business got to a point where it was in our interests to merge and we did. Working together, we fell in love and got married. All nice and trite, watev.
Yay! Jaz has been released from the hospital :) I'm glad she's better and out.
I'm wondering if I should just get a new DVD drive for my linux box or get a DVD burner. If I get the burner I'll need more RAM. Bah! cba
A friend(acquaintance is a better word) is getting divorced, she came over to tell me all about it, like I care. I still remember last year when she was at my house flashing her ring in my face talking shit about my relationship with Rog just cuz she's newly married. In fact she's lucky I didn't laugh in her face. Even though Rog and I are no longer together and me periodically wanting to run him over(he deserves it and he knows this) at least we're not at each other's throats. You don't come show off and denigrate my relaionship in the process and turn around mourn your failed relationship and expect me to be all, "There, there, he's an asshole." Fact is you both fucked up. But ofcourse I'm not married so you ignored anything I said. Suck it up.
Speaking of which, I dreamt I got married some days ago. Long story short, I started a business same time my hubby started his, business got to a point where it was in our interests to merge and we did. Working together, we fell in love and got married. All nice and trite, watev.
Monday, October 16, 2006
washed my hair, took me all damn day but yeah, it's clean.
Woke up with terrible gas, guess its cuz I ate so badly yesterday but I woke up with this sharp pain in my stomach drank several cups of tea to no avail. I just ate something so I should be good.
I'm currently downloading Suse 10.1, bye bye Ubuntu, it's been fun but I feel for something new. I may do it Wednesday, maybe I should wait for the weekend but who knows, I may even do it tonight.
work tomorrow :( I was just getting used to not going there but I gotta go back, got bills to pay.
Nap time!
Woke up with terrible gas, guess its cuz I ate so badly yesterday but I woke up with this sharp pain in my stomach drank several cups of tea to no avail. I just ate something so I should be good.
I'm currently downloading Suse 10.1, bye bye Ubuntu, it's been fun but I feel for something new. I may do it Wednesday, maybe I should wait for the weekend but who knows, I may even do it tonight.
work tomorrow :( I was just getting used to not going there but I gotta go back, got bills to pay.
Nap time!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
spent the day at the hospital. Got some sleep, saw Stevie. Didn't write or take pics but I did read Maximum PC. Then I went by David's for dinner and poker. He lent me Devil Wears Prada, the book. I'll start reading it tomorrow.
Tomorrow I shall finally wash my hair and cornrow it. Time is too damn hot for twists. Can't believe it's October and it's HOT!
Why oh why is there a Santa Clause 3? Were the first two that successful? Jeez!
Tomorrow I shall finally wash my hair and cornrow it. Time is too damn hot for twists. Can't believe it's October and it's HOT!
Why oh why is there a Santa Clause 3? Were the first two that successful? Jeez!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
hospital holiday
Jackie calls today to say she has to go back home for work so she wants me to stay with Jazz. So my Sunday of sleep and computer tinkering is gone. I'm gonna take my digicam and notebook to amuse myself.
Went to Cafe Aubergine today, food was good. I had Tortellini something with blue cream cheese, greatness! Then I had roasted duck something, not as great as the appetizer but still good. Great service but the room was a bit cramped. And the table next to us had a local sports caster.
OK, I'm gonna start saving for my laptop next month, I wanted to this month but Jazz in the hospital and clothes shopping, screwed that up. I hope there's no $$$ surprises next month.
Went to Cafe Aubergine today, food was good. I had Tortellini something with blue cream cheese, greatness! Then I had roasted duck something, not as great as the appetizer but still good. Great service but the room was a bit cramped. And the table next to us had a local sports caster.
OK, I'm gonna start saving for my laptop next month, I wanted to this month but Jazz in the hospital and clothes shopping, screwed that up. I hope there's no $$$ surprises next month.
Friday, October 13, 2006
I'm late
I just realized today was Friday 13th. Nothing bad happened but I wonder where the superstition came from?
sleep...does a body good
skipped running this morning in favour of sleep and I'm glad I did, I really needed it. Felt soooooo much better when I woke up this morning. But I'm definitely running tomorrow. I need to buy some clothes and I don't wanna but them now and they cant fit later.
Apparently Portmore has a dog breeders association and it's near me. I hear they meet on Sundays so I may try to check them out one day.
I think I may get into the pet business. I really think it could be good for me. People are now more than ever into pets and they don't mind spending on them. So I'm gonna talk to some owners see what stuff they get or want and how they usually get it.
THREE DAY WEEKEND! Tomorrow is my Saturday off and Monday is Hero's Day so I've got three days of NOOOOOO work! What to do, what to do.
I was thinking of using my Vox account as a sort of photo blog. I may get a new digicam, a smaller one, one that's easier to carry around than my current one. Got the idea from this great subscription service Photojojo, anyone with any photography interest should check it out, great ideas, tips and tricks.
Apparently Portmore has a dog breeders association and it's near me. I hear they meet on Sundays so I may try to check them out one day.
I think I may get into the pet business. I really think it could be good for me. People are now more than ever into pets and they don't mind spending on them. So I'm gonna talk to some owners see what stuff they get or want and how they usually get it.
THREE DAY WEEKEND! Tomorrow is my Saturday off and Monday is Hero's Day so I've got three days of NOOOOOO work! What to do, what to do.
I was thinking of using my Vox account as a sort of photo blog. I may get a new digicam, a smaller one, one that's easier to carry around than my current one. Got the idea from this great subscription service Photojojo, anyone with any photography interest should check it out, great ideas, tips and tricks.
pet store,
Portmore Dog Breeders,
Thursday, October 12, 2006
apparently pneumonia can spread, I didn't know that. Jazz's is. Her side now hurts when she coughs and she may have gall stones.
the damn zip on my fave blue jeans has gone bad or watever you call zips that cant zip. Good thing I wore a long shirt today.
lol, some ppl tried to scam me today, some 3 card people. I'm walking by and this lady grabs my hand and is like she's betting $500 on me and some guy points my finger to the right card and they shove the $500 in my hand, then homeboy is all like, I'm betting $1000 dollars that you pick the right one. And me like an idiot, instead of walking away with the $500, I put it on the table and left. Prolly was fake anyways.
wat is it with some men and their love for many women and aversion to condoms? asses!
Yay! Got my health card! Doc & dentist time!
the damn zip on my fave blue jeans has gone bad or watever you call zips that cant zip. Good thing I wore a long shirt today.
lol, some ppl tried to scam me today, some 3 card people. I'm walking by and this lady grabs my hand and is like she's betting $500 on me and some guy points my finger to the right card and they shove the $500 in my hand, then homeboy is all like, I'm betting $1000 dollars that you pick the right one. And me like an idiot, instead of walking away with the $500, I put it on the table and left. Prolly was fake anyways.
wat is it with some men and their love for many women and aversion to condoms? asses!
Yay! Got my health card! Doc & dentist time!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I is sore!
you know that shit they say about pushing yourself when you're working out? Tried it this morning when I was running, wanted to stop but I pushed myself, felt good for a coupla seconds then all I knew I was HURT! My legs, my chest it hurt to breathe, I about crumpled right there. And the sick part is I feel real proud of myself. Did the same with the 8 minute abs crap, kept up better this time, now I can't laugh cuz it hurts but it shall pass.
Hey David, had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that after we left the hospital we went back to your place and your mom was shouting for you and you hid me under your bed(which was higher). She came into your room, which was smaller, and I moved back and she saw me, when I came out turns out she was the lady from Kung Fu Hustle, the landlady that smoked, yes she was smoking. Totally weird dream. She was bitching about the ice, something about water and cost and stuff, don't remember what happened after.
Stayed with Jazz for a bit today, I was worried at first cuz her breakfast and lunch were there not eaten but they said she has an ultrasound to do so she shouldn't. There was this brat in the bed next to hers. Her grandma was running behind that out-of-order kid like she was her slave. So sad.
It's nap time! I'm hella tired, laters!
Hey David, had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that after we left the hospital we went back to your place and your mom was shouting for you and you hid me under your bed(which was higher). She came into your room, which was smaller, and I moved back and she saw me, when I came out turns out she was the lady from Kung Fu Hustle, the landlady that smoked, yes she was smoking. Totally weird dream. She was bitching about the ice, something about water and cost and stuff, don't remember what happened after.
Stayed with Jazz for a bit today, I was worried at first cuz her breakfast and lunch were there not eaten but they said she has an ultrasound to do so she shouldn't. There was this brat in the bed next to hers. Her grandma was running behind that out-of-order kid like she was her slave. So sad.
It's nap time! I'm hella tired, laters!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
fraking google!
they've totally google-ized aka made it UGLY! My inspiration, the little I have, can't flow there! I'm moving ALL my documents to ZohoWriter. Ugh! Just nasty! Now I gotta copy and paste ALL my stuff. ZW better not sell out to google too.
still on the wagon
lol, I know it's just been day two but I know you're all just hanging by a thread wanna know if I'm still on. OK, we only exercised this morning cuz I have work @ 12 not two but it was ugh! We decided to do the 8 Minute Abs work out and that was hard. Has anyone seen those? They start like porn, I'm serious, the scenic shot, the music! Not kidding.
I'm hungry, today was my first day of wearing the heels so I didn't stop and get lunch today, I just came straight to work. I shoulda gotten some fruits, guineps are going outta season soon and june plums too, so I'm gonna grab a bunch tomorrow.
Oh yeah, Nich's computer, this is what he did, I like it:

I'm hungry, today was my first day of wearing the heels so I didn't stop and get lunch today, I just came straight to work. I shoulda gotten some fruits, guineps are going outta season soon and june plums too, so I'm gonna grab a bunch tomorrow.
Oh yeah, Nich's computer, this is what he did, I like it:
Monday, October 09, 2006
reinforcement and inspiration
today's shopping trip reinforced my hatred for shopping but also was inspiration for me to stay on the running wagon. I walked the entire mall and then some cuz I couldn't find pants to go over my Bhudda belly, not cute!
Anyhoo went to the hospital and glad to say Jazz is way better. She has a slight fever but she's up and about more, she's eating AND she's chatty. If you know Jazz you know if she's chatty she's fine or on her way to fine.
I don't think I got watever message my dream was sending me cuz now all I keep thinking about is getting a snake.
Anyhoo went to the hospital and glad to say Jazz is way better. She has a slight fever but she's up and about more, she's eating AND she's chatty. If you know Jazz you know if she's chatty she's fine or on her way to fine.
I don't think I got watever message my dream was sending me cuz now all I keep thinking about is getting a snake.
back on the wagon
did both running and exercising today. We're going to have to find a new field to run cuz the grass on the current one is getting too much and my skin and my grass don't mix. Besides it's becoming popular with other people who just get in our way. Esp when we do some of Greg's football running exercises and they're all like, "Can we join?" and then slow us down cuz they can't follow simple instructions.
Well, it's shopping day, eewwww. I don't like shopping. It's all kinds of annoying.
Well, it's shopping day, eewwww. I don't like shopping. It's all kinds of annoying.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
not so bad after all
Went to the hospital last night. The ward looks way better than last time I was there they even have better TVs. Jazz still looks tiny but she didn't look as bad as last time. They still don't know when she can go home cuz she still has a fever and she was breathing hard. (She's in for pneumonia if Ive forgot to mention that) . I'm going to see her again tomorrow, gonna pick her up a book or something to entertain herself.
Came home to a BSOD last night, fun times. Then wen I tried to reboot it wasn't detecting my boot drive. SO I said fuck it and turned it off. Upside, I figured out how to use google talk in gaim, so when I'm in linux I can talk to Nich. WHich reminds me, he sent me pics of his computer that he built, way cool, I'll post them Tuesday when I get back to school. Anyhoo, windows box(the one that my friends lurve) is up and running, its a dainty bitch, I had to go to the hardware store and get compressed air so it will boot again meanstwhile my old comp, the Gateway that they ragged on has enough dust in it that some water and seeds and I'll have a nice little garden.
LOL, I'd also like to thank my friend Larry(his blog is hilarious BTW) for turning me onto Robyn, her last album, self titled, is real catchy pop. I got it cuz he was raving about Konichiwa Bitches, with lyrics like: I'm so very hot that when I rob your mansion you ain't call the cops, you call the fire station how can you go wrong?
Came home to a BSOD last night, fun times. Then wen I tried to reboot it wasn't detecting my boot drive. SO I said fuck it and turned it off. Upside, I figured out how to use google talk in gaim, so when I'm in linux I can talk to Nich. WHich reminds me, he sent me pics of his computer that he built, way cool, I'll post them Tuesday when I get back to school. Anyhoo, windows box(the one that my friends lurve) is up and running, its a dainty bitch, I had to go to the hardware store and get compressed air so it will boot again meanstwhile my old comp, the Gateway that they ragged on has enough dust in it that some water and seeds and I'll have a nice little garden.
LOL, I'd also like to thank my friend Larry(his blog is hilarious BTW) for turning me onto Robyn, her last album, self titled, is real catchy pop. I got it cuz he was raving about Konichiwa Bitches, with lyrics like: I'm so very hot that when I rob your mansion you ain't call the cops, you call the fire station how can you go wrong?
Saturday, October 07, 2006
45 years
This couple came in today about setting up email on a new laptop. Theyre one of the cutest couples ever! They're English, came here for three years, forty two years ago. :) Theyve been married for forty five years. Apparently they've known each other for ages, since they were 12 cuz they went to school together. It was real great seeing them.
Gotta visit my cousin in the hospital after work. She has pneumonia and I'm sooo not looking forward to it. Normally she looks real fragile and she looks worse when she's sick(she has sickle cell) It breaks my heart everytime. I asked Rog to go with me cuz I really don't wanna go by myself.
Gotta visit my cousin in the hospital after work. She has pneumonia and I'm sooo not looking forward to it. Normally she looks real fragile and she looks worse when she's sick(she has sickle cell) It breaks my heart everytime. I asked Rog to go with me cuz I really don't wanna go by myself.
Friday, October 06, 2006
weird dream
So I'm in my home and the reason I know it's my home is cuz it feels like it. Although there's some stuff from my home that was in my dream ome it was different. Like higher walls and they were blue. Anyhoo, I apparently had lotsa pets. I had dogs that were outside playing but I was inside with my monkey, remember that monkey Ross had on Friends?, like that. There was another one but I can't remember what it was. So Rog and I were feeding the monkey and unkown animal when mom comes in and is like, "You better feed that damn snake!" And I'm like yeah. So I gave Rog this other unkown animal and I'm like feed the snake while I'm scared and leaving the room. Rog goes to feed him like no big deal. So I come back in the room and there's this huge green snake with this lump sliding slowly down. Rog is like, "I didn't know you had a snake" SO I tell him my aunt gave him to me, she says he's not poisonous but he can squeeze ya to death." So Rog was like, "Help me put him back in his case(it was a huge empty aquarium)" and I'm like, "Neggy". So I'm asking Rog, if he knew anyone that would like to have a snake and he's like maybe. Then the snake starts crawling up the wall and I'm shouting at Rog to put him back in his case, and he's like chill, he's just exercising. So I leave the room, when I come back, the snake is all coiled neatly in the middle of the room. And I'm like put him back now then, and he's like help me, he's heavy. So I reluctantly help him but while doing it we notice that the snake was dead and I'm all like what you do to my snake? and he's like, Nothing! And I just start bawling, which is weird cuz I don't think I liked the snake. And the monkey s if outta nowhere starts laughing. Then my alarm went off for my run, weirdness!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
more suckage
I need someone to call and talk about nothing with. Not having one fucking sucks.
And it's the second night of back 2 bak id10t calls. This is not a good week.
And it's the second night of back 2 bak id10t calls. This is not a good week.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
another shitty day
c&w = incompetent assholes
netkyaad = id10t magnet
Anwyas I tink I need to see a dermatologist. my ears and scalp are peeling. My ears were peeling, I thought it was the new earring so I stopped wearing them, same thing. And it's not sunburn, same for my scalp, it's not dandruff, it looks different.
I didn't know Spike Lee directed Summer of Sam. He should do another movie.
which reminds me, I need to check out my medical insurance when I go to work tomorrow.
netkyaad = id10t magnet
Anwyas I tink I need to see a dermatologist. my ears and scalp are peeling. My ears were peeling, I thought it was the new earring so I stopped wearing them, same thing. And it's not sunburn, same for my scalp, it's not dandruff, it looks different.
I didn't know Spike Lee directed Summer of Sam. He should do another movie.
which reminds me, I need to check out my medical insurance when I go to work tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I was soooo tired today
but me neva sleep even though the calls were few and far between.
Have to go shopping for work shoes and pants, maybe some shirts but I def need shoes and black pants. Who knows I may just get a skirt too.
I didn't get to catch up on my shows today. Gonna try watch, Smith, Venture Bros and Dexter tomorrow.
Some people truly do not deserve to have kids. I wish I was in a better place financially so I could take my cousin away fromher dumbass selfish mother my aunt.
Have to go shopping for work shoes and pants, maybe some shirts but I def need shoes and black pants. Who knows I may just get a skirt too.
I didn't get to catch up on my shows today. Gonna try watch, Smith, Venture Bros and Dexter tomorrow.
Some people truly do not deserve to have kids. I wish I was in a better place financially so I could take my cousin away from
Monday, October 02, 2006
I cried today
because of this. Normally news like that just makes me sad and a little depressed. I think what really got me was that the girls he killed, what they went through before they died. Watching the boys being let go and some other people, being tied up and wondering what's gonna happen to them. And thn he kills himself AFTER! Why they never do that first is beyond me. And what's really upsetting is that if the report on ABC is right this is some sort of twenty year old revenge. WTF?
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Got paid! They havent done the bank switch yet so I'm good. I can get on that UPS.
I did nothing of what I had planned for today, converting vids, sorting brushes and textures. Went a mile and nowhere with Samba. I can see my linux box in windows but I can't access it. I think I should add the network password, I vaguely remember doing it last time but when I do it now I cant see the linux box. this is tre annoying.
I swear, I'm gonna get dreadlocks. I hate combing my hair! I think I'm gonna twist it now, it's been in canerows for months, time for a change.
Raasclaat cable is out and I can't see Dexter :( Gonna have to grab the torrent. I really hope it doesn't disappoint.
Oooh! Just went on the road with a friend. Followed Gregory to Spanish town to drop off some of his friends. He needed a licensed(sp) driver, [shut up David], with him. It was OK, but I wasn't really feeling his friends. When I came back Bushy was on my wall, so I stayed with him and a hol' a reason. It was good, haven't done that in ages. Anyhoo, snack time.
I did nothing of what I had planned for today, converting vids, sorting brushes and textures. Went a mile and nowhere with Samba. I can see my linux box in windows but I can't access it. I think I should add the network password, I vaguely remember doing it last time but when I do it now I cant see the linux box. this is tre annoying.
I swear, I'm gonna get dreadlocks. I hate combing my hair! I think I'm gonna twist it now, it's been in canerows for months, time for a change.
Raasclaat cable is out and I can't see Dexter :( Gonna have to grab the torrent. I really hope it doesn't disappoint.
Oooh! Just went on the road with a friend. Followed Gregory to Spanish town to drop off some of his friends. He needed a licensed(sp) driver, [shut up David], with him. It was OK, but I wasn't really feeling his friends. When I came back Bushy was on my wall, so I stayed with him and a hol' a reason. It was good, haven't done that in ages. Anyhoo, snack time.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
I could've just edited my last post
but me caan bodda. So, finally watched Sympathy for Mr Vengeance. And it was good but it didn't really grab me like the others. Meh.
I need a new job for my sanity and future. I just got so dan comfy and complacent here but I can't stay. 1) It's not what I want 2) this company's future looks bleaker and bleaker.
there's gotta be more to life eh?
I need a new job for my sanity and future. I just got so dan comfy and complacent here but I can't stay. 1) It's not what I want 2) this company's future looks bleaker and bleaker.
there's gotta be more to life eh?
So me a check out ONTD and smaddy posted on a movie called Lady Vengeance. He/she kept talking about the director Park-Chan Wook and his previous work and how good they are. So I decided to try them. The first one was JSA: Joint Security Area, the short of it, is it's a story about North & South Korea border patrol guards. It's a mystery that slowly unfolds's a mystery that's all I'm gonna say but it was a good watch.
Next was Oldboy, OMG! Now this was another mystery but the ending was just wow! I'm not going to go into this one much cuz I don't wanna spoil anythng for anyone that may watch but it's....dammit! I had no prep so I ain't gonna prep you. But there's lotsa violence and some nudity.
Next up Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, hopefully the calls will be minimal today I can watch with as few interruptions as possible.
Next was Oldboy, OMG! Now this was another mystery but the ending was just wow! I'm not going to go into this one much cuz I don't wanna spoil anythng for anyone that may watch but it's....dammit! I had no prep so I ain't gonna prep you. But there's lotsa violence and some nudity.
Next up Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, hopefully the calls will be minimal today I can watch with as few interruptions as possible.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Lily Allen = Great Listening
so for the past few weeks, the name Lily Allen has been popping up in a few blogs I visit regularly and Ive been ignoring it till today. I went to youtbe to check her out and watched her music video for Smile which I posted below. She's great! Her music is this great mix of diff genres, sorry but I'm no good at this but I can tell you I like every frigging song on her album, every frigging one. Her lyrics, cheeky smart and full of attitude and yet in songs like Littlest Things so fucking earnest. Between her and Blue October my ears are happy :)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
poor Meg
I took her up to bathe her today and she peed herself. She doesn't like running water but she likes being rubed down. Too bad cuz she needs bathing.
I have a dance recital I want to go to Friday but I'm not sure I'm gonna make it and not really sure I wanna. It was one of those couple things me and Rog did and I don't think I wanna go through that.
I need to do something about my head. My scalp is itchy and flaky and it's driving me nuts. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have a dance recital I want to go to Friday but I'm not sure I'm gonna make it and not really sure I wanna. It was one of those couple things me and Rog did and I don't think I wanna go through that.
I need to do something about my head. My scalp is itchy and flaky and it's driving me nuts. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
normally, I'm home by now
But because of pizza and Futurama I'm not. Whoever is behind Daily Episodes, THANK YOU!!! It's great to pull up any Futurama eppy at random and just watch :)
Slept over at K's last night. Same ole, same ole. Except her new Mac *drools* It's gorge! Makes me want one but I ain't got the money or desktop space or need but I still want one.
Me company's switching banks or whatever. So it's goodbye NCB and hello Scotia. I don't have an account there but I can open one through my company which would be easier than on my own. I think I'm gonna use my NCB account as my savings account and my Scotia as my spending account. Only prob is getting the money from one to the other. I highly doubt those fucks have some interbank system setup and I can't be arsed going from bank to bank. Ain't got that much time to spend in lines. Another downside it will be the New Kingston branch of Scotia, boo, too fricking far for me it's not even in HWT, on my normal route. Oh well.
Slept over at K's last night. Same ole, same ole. Except her new Mac *drools* It's gorge! Makes me want one but I ain't got the money or desktop space or need but I still want one.
Me company's switching banks or whatever. So it's goodbye NCB and hello Scotia. I don't have an account there but I can open one through my company which would be easier than on my own. I think I'm gonna use my NCB account as my savings account and my Scotia as my spending account. Only prob is getting the money from one to the other. I highly doubt those fucks have some interbank system setup and I can't be arsed going from bank to bank. Ain't got that much time to spend in lines. Another downside it will be the New Kingston branch of Scotia, boo, too fricking far for me it's not even in HWT, on my normal route. Oh well.
Monday, September 25, 2006
all is not lost
so I'm leaving today and Meg(Ive decided to name the last pup and I named her Meg after the daugter on Fam Guy that no one likes cuz she's my least fave of the pups.) So I came back from my run and shes there looking at me shaking her tail all food expectant and I melt. I know it sounds corny but I'm starting to like her now. Maybe its cuz she's all I have left but I do.
Sleeping over K's tonite, I should call mom and tell her.
I wanna sleep so bad. Work fucking sucks, jus fucking sucks.
Sleeping over K's tonite, I should call mom and tell her.
I wanna sleep so bad. Work fucking sucks, jus fucking sucks.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Did the format and re-install. Gotta say this was one of my better ones even if I had to do it 3 times. But it works so I'm good.
The fucking ssh2 connection shit still is shit though and I deleted all the damn songs on the Ubuntu box already.
I've been up and down lately. Like one minute I'm getting fine with the break up and the next it's like some one ripped the band aid off. And I'm trying to not get all depressed so Ive been picking up hobbies I threw to the wayside. Like writing, Crys and I have been working on something I'm trying to get done. Something I don't think I'm good at, humour.
Spent the evening with Gregory again he followed me to the mall to pay my cable bill cuz it got disconnected and those asses onlinde do online banking with a bank I don't have an account with. Speaking of bills, I'm broke. I wanted to buy a UPS but that money has gone to jps. So I may just ask my dad to get me one.
The fucking ssh2 connection shit still is shit though and I deleted all the damn songs on the Ubuntu box already.
I've been up and down lately. Like one minute I'm getting fine with the break up and the next it's like some one ripped the band aid off. And I'm trying to not get all depressed so Ive been picking up hobbies I threw to the wayside. Like writing, Crys and I have been working on something I'm trying to get done. Something I don't think I'm good at, humour.
Spent the evening with Gregory again he followed me to the mall to pay my cable bill cuz it got disconnected and those asses onlinde do online banking with a bank I don't have an account with. Speaking of bills, I'm broke. I wanted to buy a UPS but that money has gone to jps. So I may just ask my dad to get me one.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
the suckage continues
If you're a regular reader you know I found four pups in my yard. Last week or week before two of them disappeared cuz my fave was still here. I'm now down to one, I think. My fave died this morning, ran over by a car.
I'm now officially broke, payday is next week but all that has some place to go except my wallet :(
I need some good news or something real good to happen to me.
I'm now officially broke, payday is next week but all that has some place to go except my wallet :(
I need some good news or something real good to happen to me.
Friday, September 22, 2006
today was a success?
heh, well I did get sleep but I didn't go to RGD to get my dad's birth certifacte corrected. For some reason my computers arent speaking to each other so I couldn't update my Ubuntu box. But on the upside, I hade sleep and Ive gotten a lot of album art for my songs.
New itunes while pretty is annoying the shit outta me. I need an itunes store acount to grab album art so I just use media monkey. Prob is eveytime I do that and go back to itunes the dumb shit act likes my file can't be found, why you ask? It's looking for it in a folder I did not specify as my music folder, watever.
I did found a bunch of duplicate songs though so I'm good.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna have lunch with David and pay my cable bill. LOL, my cable is out. Which is prolly a good thing. I can download the shows I wanna see, well except Fashion House but I don't have the chan so I'm not missing out.
New itunes while pretty is annoying the shit outta me. I need an itunes store acount to grab album art so I just use media monkey. Prob is eveytime I do that and go back to itunes the dumb shit act likes my file can't be found, why you ask? It's looking for it in a folder I did not specify as my music folder, watever.
I did found a bunch of duplicate songs though so I'm good.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna have lunch with David and pay my cable bill. LOL, my cable is out. Which is prolly a good thing. I can download the shows I wanna see, well except Fashion House but I don't have the chan so I'm not missing out.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
mostly music
made two interesting music discoveries this week. Blue October, who's been out for awhile but I'm just finding out about them. Their album is pretty good. Screw all this pop shit, this is actually a good album. I don't think I deleted one song and the emotion, maybe it's where I'm at but I'm really feeling foiled.
Today I went to my friends' site for their magazine, BACK-A-YARD, and discovered that one of my fave local artist, Tami Chynn, has a talented lil sis, Tess Anne Chin. Clicking on her name will take you to her myspace(yes, I know, I'm not a myspace fan either but she has good music.) Her style is rock mixed with reggae/dancehall. And my fave song on it is Hide Away. She's not signed yet but hopefully she will be soon. I'd love to hear her album.
I need a vacation, I get a 3-day break from work starting tomorrow but I need a vacation from my life. it just blows to the 100000000000000 power. not that I believe in fairy tales but a knight in shining armour would be great right about now better yet, a frigging fairy godmother!
Today I went to my friends' site for their magazine, BACK-A-YARD, and discovered that one of my fave local artist, Tami Chynn, has a talented lil sis, Tess Anne Chin. Clicking on her name will take you to her myspace(yes, I know, I'm not a myspace fan either but she has good music.) Her style is rock mixed with reggae/dancehall. And my fave song on it is Hide Away. She's not signed yet but hopefully she will be soon. I'd love to hear her album.
I need a vacation, I get a 3-day break from work starting tomorrow but I need a vacation from my life. it just blows to the 100000000000000 power. not that I believe in fairy tales but a knight in shining armour would be great right about now better yet, a frigging fairy godmother!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
headaches suck
So I'm at home all morning being fine as soon as I step out to go to work, headache. Then when I reached work, nausea kicked in. Kept getting worse and worse until I had some ginger tea and the nausea went away but my head still hurts.
So I'm going to bed now.
So I'm going to bed now.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Phoenix is here!
Finally got the pics from Rog. So here's Phoenix:

Isn't she cute?
Had the weirdest thing happen to me today, my computer just turned off. Like power went but everything else had power. So I decided to check the power cable, nothing, so I plugged it into my linux box, still nothing. So I used the linux box power cord and my machine boots fine, apparently the cord died. Good thing I had an extra.
Isn't she cute?
Had the weirdest thing happen to me today, my computer just turned off. Like power went but everything else had power. So I decided to check the power cable, nothing, so I plugged it into my linux box, still nothing. So I used the linux box power cord and my machine boots fine, apparently the cord died. Good thing I had an extra.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
yay! I have clean pups!
I just washed two of the pups. The two black ones have disappeared during the week and I haven't seen them, even when I walked around. So only the brown and b&w one got washed. The flea and tick shampoo seems to be working, alot were washed away and the shampoo supposed to work for 7-10 days so I'm a wash them every Sunday. My only prob is the other pups and the mom. They're still dirty, the mom won't let me get near her so washing her is out and I can't find the other two but I bet they still hang or something. This shampoo better work.
OK, I dunno if I said but I'm gonna. I need to keep track of this. I updated my bios to v1.D0 I now believe the BSODs were because I had 1.C0. I dunno how. I had upgraded to 1.C0 before and the BSOD so I changed it back to 1.B0. If the problem occurs again, I'm gonna go back to B and uninstall MSI liveupdate. I think it autoupgraded to C after it got tired of me ignoring it.
I need to get me a can of compressed air. The two machines are dirty and the linux machine is hella dusty. Gotta go try updating and stuff.
OK, I dunno if I said but I'm gonna. I need to keep track of this. I updated my bios to v1.D0 I now believe the BSODs were because I had 1.C0. I dunno how. I had upgraded to 1.C0 before and the BSOD so I changed it back to 1.B0. If the problem occurs again, I'm gonna go back to B and uninstall MSI liveupdate. I think it autoupgraded to C after it got tired of me ignoring it.
I need to get me a can of compressed air. The two machines are dirty and the linux machine is hella dusty. Gotta go try updating and stuff.
Friday, September 15, 2006
I'm so listless I could die
Ive been infected by the blah today. I have no energy nor ideas to procrastinate on, nothing.
Saw a semi fight today. At the stop before mine, 3 people were at the bus shed. Two females and a guy who's holding a baby. So female A gets on the bus while female B starts to take the baby from the guy. So I turn away when outta the corner of my eye, I see a fist land on B. Then B runs outta my line of sight while the people on the bus try to get him to calm down. Next thing I know, this guy runsaround the bus onto the street. Did I mention he's a holding a baby? Apparently B went to get a bottle and that's why he was running. then this guy gets off the bus to play referee. He gets between them, takes the baby from the guy and gives it to B, who comes onto the bus cussing, despite people telling her to calm and not in front of the baby. So that was my excitement today.
Anyhoo, got my cam at work, gonna lend rog so he can take pics of Phoenix.
And guess who has work tomorrow, yours truly, bah! Gonna try take a nap, work sucks.
Saw a semi fight today. At the stop before mine, 3 people were at the bus shed. Two females and a guy who's holding a baby. So female A gets on the bus while female B starts to take the baby from the guy. So I turn away when outta the corner of my eye, I see a fist land on B. Then B runs outta my line of sight while the people on the bus try to get him to calm down. Next thing I know, this guy runsaround the bus onto the street. Did I mention he's a holding a baby? Apparently B went to get a bottle and that's why he was running. then this guy gets off the bus to play referee. He gets between them, takes the baby from the guy and gives it to B, who comes onto the bus cussing, despite people telling her to calm and not in front of the baby. So that was my excitement today.
Anyhoo, got my cam at work, gonna lend rog so he can take pics of Phoenix.
And guess who has work tomorrow, yours truly, bah! Gonna try take a nap, work sucks.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
sudoku is addicting
Kamillah has me stuck on this annoying game or whatever it's called. I wanna stop but I can't until Ive solved it and trying to solve it hurts my head. Me and numbers don't mix.
Lucky ass Rog got a new dog. It's a puppy, doberman/rottie mix. I can't wait to see her, her name's Phoenix.
Good news is I've been keeping up with writing, exercising and running. I feel so proud of myself.
Sunday I'm gonna format and reinstall windoze and if all goes well then I can bring my linux machine back to work. I wanna start going through the graphics tutorials I'm amassing. Lord, I'm gonna have to relearn Gimp all over again.
Speaking of which, I'm in the process of using my googlepage to list my resources. Ive been getting the post is too large message everytime I edit my Resources. GP is hella restrictive and it's gonna take a awhile copy and paste so it comes out right. Shoulda done that today instead of stupid sudoku. oh well.
Lucky ass Rog got a new dog. It's a puppy, doberman/rottie mix. I can't wait to see her, her name's Phoenix.
Good news is I've been keeping up with writing, exercising and running. I feel so proud of myself.
Sunday I'm gonna format and reinstall windoze and if all goes well then I can bring my linux machine back to work. I wanna start going through the graphics tutorials I'm amassing. Lord, I'm gonna have to relearn Gimp all over again.
Speaking of which, I'm in the process of using my googlepage to list my resources. Ive been getting the post is too large message everytime I edit my Resources. GP is hella restrictive and it's gonna take a awhile copy and paste so it comes out right. Shoulda done that today instead of stupid sudoku. oh well.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
and my rita hate grows
so I'm listening fergie's album and she has a rack called mary jane shoes feature rita marley and the i-threes. A song about shoes that samples Bob's No Woman No Cry. this materialistic bitch! I hate when ppl takes beautiful meaningful songs and sample them for dumbass songs. jaime foxx + kanye I'm including you asses too. She continually sells out Bob's legacy, put his name on anything to make a buck and turn around and say shit about people not respecting his legacy. How can they when you obviously don't? ugh!
Monday, September 11, 2006
in with the new
out with the old. Some people were walking round replacing people's bulbs with fluoroscent ones for free. Mom, came in all happy and exchanged all ours. Hope they still work when I get home.
BSOD is still on my ass. I wanna do a format and reinstall since I was planning on doing one anyways but I need to find my BIOS upgrade, 1B0, so I won't have the SATA issues that nearly gave me high blood pressure. It used to be on my hard drive but I can't find it now, bah! Gotta look again. Also gonna try removing Firefox from my system totally but I don't think that's the prob. Something keeps refering to viamraid.sys and I don't know what it is. Format will cure all, hopefully.
I want a laptop and I'm torn between a cute mac or a windoze one. At first, I was gonna get a Mac but Intel's dual core is just calling me. Wait, ignore my ignorance, thed intel macs do hav intel core duo. :D Nows alls I gotta do is work out how to pay for it. Contributions are welcomed :)
Boo to the Macs. I just checked, for what's in my price range I can get a bigger screen and better specs with a notebook, I'll pass.
I'm gone to labrish with co-workers.
BSOD is still on my ass. I wanna do a format and reinstall since I was planning on doing one anyways but I need to find my BIOS upgrade, 1B0, so I won't have the SATA issues that nearly gave me high blood pressure. It used to be on my hard drive but I can't find it now, bah! Gotta look again. Also gonna try removing Firefox from my system totally but I don't think that's the prob. Something keeps refering to viamraid.sys and I don't know what it is. Format will cure all, hopefully.
I want a laptop and I'm torn between a cute mac or a windoze one. At first, I was gonna get a Mac but Intel's dual core is just calling me. Wait, ignore my ignorance, thed intel macs do hav intel core duo. :D Nows alls I gotta do is work out how to pay for it. Contributions are welcomed :)
Boo to the Macs. I just checked, for what's in my price range I can get a bigger screen and better specs with a notebook, I'll pass.
I'm gone to labrish with co-workers.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
another lazy sunday
nothing happened. except a little scare with my 120 on my Ubuntu box but its fine now.
was talking to rog when stu came up and I called him expecting voicemail but he answered, heh. He's fine, same ole Stu.
I actually attempted writing today, typed a few words, heh.
I visit PostSecret every sunday and today, one of them really bugged me:

Maybe it's because I've been commiserating about growing up without my dad with someone who's trying to reconnect with hers but that just, ewww. More than the normal eww.
was talking to rog when stu came up and I called him expecting voicemail but he answered, heh. He's fine, same ole Stu.
I actually attempted writing today, typed a few words, heh.
I visit PostSecret every sunday and today, one of them really bugged me:
Maybe it's because I've been commiserating about growing up without my dad with someone who's trying to reconnect with hers but that just, ewww. More than the normal eww.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
today was goood!
Yay! My linux machine can handle a DVD burner but I'm still thinking of upgrading the MB or atleast adding more RAM.
Had sushi with David and his parents. Looved it! I heart wasabi :) Then we went to look at orchids at a pet shop and they ended up buying two fishes. Nice pet shop, they had some really pretty birds. We went back to their house and they watched a DVD while I slept, then we played poker! I won the first round by mostly bluffing but I was first out in the second round and now I'm home.
I dunno how many times Ive said it, it must be alot, but I love David's parents. Theyve been together for years and theyre still obviously in love and so affectionate in away that doesn't make you sick or feels corny. I thoughtit woulda made me sad but it didn't. It made me hopeful, and I like it.
Yay! Seems the BSODs are gone, well I hope it is, I can copy from the cd/dvd drive and browse and have no prob. At first I thought the power cut mustve reset my BIOS but that wasn't it. I think it may have to do with an IP conflict with the netspeak, I know it sounds unrelated esp, since the error in events said the error was because they couldn't load viamraid.sys(that's wassociated with something Ive uninstalled ages ago) but since I've put the machine on DHCP, prob is gone. Hmm now that Ive typed it out it still makes no sense. this machine was set to .2, the netspeak grabs .1 by default. Whatev, hopefully it's gone.
Anyhoo, I'm tired, nini.
Had sushi with David and his parents. Looved it! I heart wasabi :) Then we went to look at orchids at a pet shop and they ended up buying two fishes. Nice pet shop, they had some really pretty birds. We went back to their house and they watched a DVD while I slept, then we played poker! I won the first round by mostly bluffing but I was first out in the second round and now I'm home.
I dunno how many times Ive said it, it must be alot, but I love David's parents. Theyve been together for years and theyre still obviously in love and so affectionate in away that doesn't make you sick or feels corny. I thoughtit woulda made me sad but it didn't. It made me hopeful, and I like it.
Yay! Seems the BSODs are gone, well I hope it is, I can copy from the cd/dvd drive and browse and have no prob. At first I thought the power cut mustve reset my BIOS but that wasn't it. I think it may have to do with an IP conflict with the netspeak, I know it sounds unrelated esp, since the error in events said the error was because they couldn't load viamraid.sys(that's wassociated with something Ive uninstalled ages ago) but since I've put the machine on DHCP, prob is gone. Hmm now that Ive typed it out it still makes no sense. this machine was set to .2, the netspeak grabs .1 by default. Whatev, hopefully it's gone.
Anyhoo, I'm tired, nini.
Friday, September 08, 2006
whys it gotta be good news, bad news?
So I finally found two shows I can watch. Nip/Tuck and Fashion House. I don't have the chan either comes on but I was counting on torrents to keep me up to date. Wrong! While I expext no problems with Nip/Tuck, Fashion House is not going so well. I don't think the torrent makers realize it's on 5/6 times a week. I can only find the 1st eppy same for the other MyNetworkTV debutante Desire(which is just crap, bad acting and uninteresting chars).
I don't have to explain N/T to anyone, I'm loving it so far, I gotta get the previous seasons dvds. Fashion House, even with subpar acting with Bo Derek who's a bit flat at times is still intriguing. The dialogue isnt shitty and most of the actors can act and are muy watchable. I want the damn torrents!!!!
rog and I have sorta settled into not exactly together thing. He's still my first call, like when the puppies went missing(found them around the road) and he did show up at lunch with David. I don't hate him now but he's lost points he wont ever be able to recover.
I knew I shoulda stopped at the ATM today, I want pizza.
I don't have to explain N/T to anyone, I'm loving it so far, I gotta get the previous seasons dvds. Fashion House, even with subpar acting with Bo Derek who's a bit flat at times is still intriguing. The dialogue isnt shitty and most of the actors can act and are muy watchable. I want the damn torrents!!!!
rog and I have sorta settled into not exactly together thing. He's still my first call, like when the puppies went missing(found them around the road) and he did show up at lunch with David. I don't hate him now but he's lost points he wont ever be able to recover.
I knew I shoulda stopped at the ATM today, I want pizza.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Finally went to the Japanese restaurant. It was gooood. I had some crab appetizers that was good but I preferred the Chinese version. Then I had Pork Katzu Curry, which was fried breaded pork with a great curry sauce and rice, I want some more. I washed it down with hot sake :) hehe. And for desert Tempura ice cream aka fried ice cream. They have ice cream in a sorta pastry shell fried :)
The LJ people have made this new blogging community called Vox . I signed up for an invite I think this week and Nuri's friend was giving out invites, both came in at the same time, well the one I signed up for came in first but I hadn't checked mail yet. Long story short, I have a Voxblog! You can see it here. I don't think I'm gonna simul post there like I do LJ and Blogger. I may use it for something else. I haven't totally checked it out yet but I'm liking it so far. It comes with built in multimedia capabilities. Like you can link your blog with your Flickr and/or Photobucket account. I got three invites left so reply if you want one. or you can go to the site and sign up for an invite, you should get yours in a few days.
Yes David, I did run this morning even though I went to bed after 2. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but it wasn't great either.
BTW, if you have the National Geographic channel please check out Fight science. Great show. If you don't have the chan grab the torrent. The human body is amazing!
The LJ people have made this new blogging community called Vox . I signed up for an invite I think this week and Nuri's friend was giving out invites, both came in at the same time, well the one I signed up for came in first but I hadn't checked mail yet. Long story short, I have a Voxblog! You can see it here. I don't think I'm gonna simul post there like I do LJ and Blogger. I may use it for something else. I haven't totally checked it out yet but I'm liking it so far. It comes with built in multimedia capabilities. Like you can link your blog with your Flickr and/or Photobucket account. I got three invites left so reply if you want one. or you can go to the site and sign up for an invite, you should get yours in a few days.
Yes David, I did run this morning even though I went to bed after 2. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but it wasn't great either.
BTW, if you have the National Geographic channel please check out Fight science. Great show. If you don't have the chan grab the torrent. The human body is amazing!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
boo me
So my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning and I reached over and turned it off. So I'm gonna put it where I have to get my ass up to turn it off.
I'm still thinking of another piercing. tongue or top of ear? I dunno.
Japanese for lunch tomorrow! :D Can't wait!
I'm still thinking of another piercing. tongue or top of ear? I dunno.
Japanese for lunch tomorrow! :D Can't wait!
Monday, September 04, 2006
I got a raise! I cant buy a house and car just yet but I got more breathing room to save and pay bills :) Yay me!
RIP Steve Irwin
The famous croc hunter done in by a sting ray. I have now words beyond that. Is it bad that I'm disappointed its a sting ray and not a croc? I used to make jokes about him dying at the jaws of a croc, hell it was somewhat expected, but a damn sting ray? It's not even that dangerous of an animal(yes I know but still).
I feel sorry for his wife and kids. Losing a husband and condolences.
I feel sorry for his wife and kids. Losing a husband and condolences.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
of friends and rescued days
so I met Gregory at the mall last night. we ate and walked the mall but was one of the best times Ive had in ages. Thanks Gregory from turning a fucksucky day into a better one.
He supposed to come by at 2 but its now 3:20 and his always-late-ass ain't here. We're supposed to go by Paul and look at his computer. Speaking of which you'd think Paul would call since its his computer that's spazzing.
I realized last nite that I really do love cussing. I prolly shouldn't but it's so expressive. I know some dipshit said cussing is the lazy man's whatever but I don't care. Cussing is very expressive and descriptive and I can guarantee you, it does get your point across so yay cussing.
I'm sooo fucking bored right now, bah!
He supposed to come by at 2 but its now 3:20 and his always-late-ass ain't here. We're supposed to go by Paul and look at his computer. Speaking of which you'd think Paul would call since its his computer that's spazzing.
I realized last nite that I really do love cussing. I prolly shouldn't but it's so expressive. I know some dipshit said cussing is the lazy man's whatever but I don't care. Cussing is very expressive and descriptive and I can guarantee you, it does get your point across so yay cussing.
I'm sooo fucking bored right now, bah!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
the fucksucky continues
all day twas bright and sunny, come evening, it's raining like a bitch. so no japanese and sake for me.
now my mom is pissing me off. she refuses to get a temp job till her business is up and running and now she wants me to contribute more to bills cuz she cant and I dont have much of choice since I need light and water etc. So the money I was saving for my certifications is gonna have to be used. What pisses me off most is we've talked about this already, she knows how much I make she knows I can't afford this but her usual response is ask your dad. Apparently he's made of money, let's forget he hasn't had a job in what a year? and he's living off his savings. her utter refusal to get a temp job, a fucking temp job!
seriously if I could get a hit out on someone there's this asswipe in california I'd like taken out, it would be a real service to humankind, PLEASE!!!
now my mom is pissing me off. she refuses to get a temp job till her business is up and running and now she wants me to contribute more to bills cuz she cant and I dont have much of choice since I need light and water etc. So the money I was saving for my certifications is gonna have to be used. What pisses me off most is we've talked about this already, she knows how much I make she knows I can't afford this but her usual response is ask your dad. Apparently he's made of money, let's forget he hasn't had a job in what a year? and he's living off his savings. her utter refusal to get a temp job, a fucking temp job!
seriously if I could get a hit out on someone there's this asswipe in california I'd like taken out, it would be a real service to humankind, PLEASE!!!
today was a bust
I didn't skull work and I didn't get drunk :( Although David dropped by with beer. Keesh & Co all cancelled or watnot :( so the new plan is japanese, sake and poker tomorrow.
Gonna try and go to hellshire on sunday, some fry fish and bammy would do me good. Maybe I can get paul to take me after I look at his computer. I really hope watever is wrong with it isnt serious.
ok, i'm gonna say this again. I need to start running or swimming. I need a sport, regular exercise. I'm not liking this extra weight esp since I can't fit into some of my fave clothes. I wanna go clothes shopping but I dont want anything in my size now whatever it is, so I'm a need to lose some weight first :(
rog went to mobay today, he just called to say hes reached. things have kinda mellowed out between us lately. I guess that's good or watnot.
Gonna try and go to hellshire on sunday, some fry fish and bammy would do me good. Maybe I can get paul to take me after I look at his computer. I really hope watever is wrong with it isnt serious.
ok, i'm gonna say this again. I need to start running or swimming. I need a sport, regular exercise. I'm not liking this extra weight esp since I can't fit into some of my fave clothes. I wanna go clothes shopping but I dont want anything in my size now whatever it is, so I'm a need to lose some weight first :(
rog went to mobay today, he just called to say hes reached. things have kinda mellowed out between us lately. I guess that's good or watnot.
Friday, September 01, 2006
tonight is the perfect night to get drunk
called David and he's in! LOL, he's gotta get a new fone or get his fixed, his mic is busted and talking via beeps though funny gets annoying.
also called Keesha, she's supposed to call me back .
I'm gonna feel like shit tomorrow. Itchy rashes, prolly a headache but I don't care.
also called Keesha, she's supposed to call me back .
I'm gonna feel like shit tomorrow. Itchy rashes, prolly a headache but I don't care.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
my blogger is back!
after I posted yesterday my blogger went away, so I emailed blogger and posted at the groups and its back, hopefully it won't happen again.
Guess who visited me today? Hi Rog!
Guess who visited me today? Hi Rog!
I got my nails did!
took off the french and put on normal acrylic with bright red polish.
I looove watching dr 90210, the cases, whether superficial or reconstructiive, are always entertaining or interesting.
I need to get something pierced, maybe my tongue again or the top of an ear, but something's getting pierced.
I looove watching dr 90210, the cases, whether superficial or reconstructiive, are always entertaining or interesting.
I need to get something pierced, maybe my tongue again or the top of an ear, but something's getting pierced.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
answers that don't answer anything
It's still hard to accept that after 5 years all I'm left with are these hurtful feelings, unsatisfying answers and anger.
Monday, August 28, 2006
aww Ernesto
You ditched us for Cuba, thanks! Although, I could use an excuse or two to stay home.
Saw the season finale for 4400 and was greatly underwhelmed, just bah. No new eppy of Venture Bros neither :( Fall season is upcoming and I'm not really interested in any of the shows, old or new. Except Sci-Fi is gonna show the full season of Night Stalker :) Even the 3 unaired eppies, I'm soo excited :)
Oooh! One of my fave X-Files is on, the one with original Hope from Y&R. It was actually fun and had the usual intrigue :)
Saw the season finale for 4400 and was greatly underwhelmed, just bah. No new eppy of Venture Bros neither :( Fall season is upcoming and I'm not really interested in any of the shows, old or new. Except Sci-Fi is gonna show the full season of Night Stalker :) Even the 3 unaired eppies, I'm soo excited :)
Oooh! One of my fave X-Files is on, the one with original Hope from Y&R. It was actually fun and had the usual intrigue :)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
I think I've figured out why Filezilla kept disconnecting. I think its the VoIP. Ive plugged it out and I havent had any interruption since. I was googling it when I noticed the Run light on the netspeak blinking so I plugged it out and I'm transfering right now without any problems. Yay me!
Also Yay! Mariska Hartigay of Law & Order SVU, she finally won am emmy for her great work on the show. Congratulations Mariska, well deserved win!
Also Yay! Mariska Hartigay of Law & Order SVU, she finally won am emmy for her great work on the show. Congratulations Mariska, well deserved win!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
fucking hell!!!
Life is fucked up! A very close friend can very well go to prison for defending himself! Yeah it's sad that someone died but he was an ass. Dillon walked away from, he away and this fucker runs him down and hits him! ugh! Just please. I hope he's able to make it clear what happened.
Storm's coming!
And no I'm not singing Gnarls. Apparently Jamaica is in the projected path of TS Ernesto which should be here by Sunday which means tomorrow is gonna be rainy. And guess who agreed to switch Saturdays? Yes, me, joy.
So no movie or watnot for me tomorrow.
Woke this morning to find my DSL acting weird. I can browse but my VoIP, messengers and torrent client couldn't connect. They connected for a few minutes then went back to not working. I hope it works itself out by the time I get home cuz calling C&W's customer care is a pain.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
New earrings!
I bought three pairs of earrings today! Two studs and one gold hoop. I'm loving them but I'm not feeling the hoops mostly cuz I can get my fingers tangled when Im messing with my ear buds but I can wear them on special occasions.
Spoke with Rog today. All I can say is I'm starting to accept that this break-up is for the best. If you still read this, 1436.
Gonna try and bring my linux box back to work next week. Even though my monitor at work is dark I think I should try Gimping again.
Spoke with Rog today. All I can say is I'm starting to accept that this break-up is for the best. If you still read this, 1436.
Gonna try and bring my linux box back to work next week. Even though my monitor at work is dark I think I should try Gimping again.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I love my sis!
She washed and combed my hair today :) She wubs me. We went to sign some papers for mom but the JP wasn't there so we gotta go back another day.
I was supposed to buy some earrings today but the rain caught me so I rushed to work. Ive lost two halves of two diff pairs. I may just go ahead and get the top of my ear pierced while I'm at it. But it's gonna hurt and I'm scared.
I'm working this Saturday but that means I get the next two Saturdays off. David and I are supposed to go this new Japanese restaurant that doesn't have sushi :( but he says they have more traditional Japanese dishes. I hope theyre good.
Anyhoo, it's freedom time! Time to call my cab and head home.
I was supposed to buy some earrings today but the rain caught me so I rushed to work. Ive lost two halves of two diff pairs. I may just go ahead and get the top of my ear pierced while I'm at it. But it's gonna hurt and I'm scared.
I'm working this Saturday but that means I get the next two Saturdays off. David and I are supposed to go this new Japanese restaurant that doesn't have sushi :( but he says they have more traditional Japanese dishes. I hope theyre good.
Anyhoo, it's freedom time! Time to call my cab and head home.
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- I could've just edited my last post
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- Phoenix is here!
- yay! I have clean pups!
- I'm so listless I could die
- sudoku is addicting
- and my rita hate grows
- in with the new
- another lazy sunday
- today was goood!
- whys it gotta be good news, bad news?
- Finally!
- boo me
- YAY!!!
- RIP Steve Irwin
- of friends and rescued days
- the fucksucky continues
- today was a bust
- tonight is the perfect night to get drunk