Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Just another day

I'm watching Oprah she's talking about Tantric sex and giving some housewife a makeover.

The heat is here!!! Time for me to start having showers every 30 minutes. I'm gonna go spend some time in the country, go to the beach. Which reminds me, I dont have any swimsuits, sad aint it?

I should take advantage of my mom being home and getting her to wash and comb my hair Hehe, gotta wait till she's in a good mood. I need cane rows it's too hot for twists,

Monday, May 30, 2005

In loving memory...

Ever had one of those nights that started normal then got weird then sad.

First I'm just surfing the net procrastinating from making a banner then I just had this random flashback of me sleeping on the roof and nearly falling off when I woke up. I was thinking about that for awhile then suddenly I started thinking of Hailu and I couldnt stop.

I totally lost it, I had to go in another cuz I didn't wanna wake my mom. Called my Keesha and she helped talk me down.

I have a great bf, he just knows what to say and esp what not to say.

Now I'm thinking of my brother, I had a brother. The first pic I ever saw of him was his funeral program. The only time I really saw him he was in a coffin. He's the reason I never looked at Hailu in his coffin. I never watched him being buried. I don't to ever want to remember him like that.

All my memories of Hailu are of him alive and I like it that way. He loved red, swimming, playing kalookie and doing that thing with his finger when it was his turn to draw. He was a great graphics artist, great listener. You could have intelligent, deep and silly concersations with him, cry on his shoulder. My fave thing is when he scolds ppl. He never comes off as judgemental or harsh but caring.

I feel better now, this blog thingy wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Pics of me and friends :)

OK I originally wanted to take pics of the bf's rotties but they weren't in a pose-for-Anika mood, brats,  so I'm posting pics of me and who I spend the most time with.

Here's David, all these pics except the 1/2 nekkid bf pic was taken at his house. I'm mostly at David's house watching DVDs or playing playstation if we're not out discovering new restaurants.

David unawares:

David TRYING to hide:

Me being idle:

My tongue ring:

Just so I can honestly say I posted a DECENT pic of him when he complains about the nekkid pic

And the piece de resistance! My bf getting ready for a shower


Just posting for posting's sake. I'm gonna go call the bf and check up on him, he has a cold.

Another day

Hmm after making a joke banner for a friend's birthday I got inspired and made a wallpaer for my fave soap couple. I even started a Xtina wallpaper, I need to egt some more plugins and stuff for GIMP. I should also learn to use the plugins I already have.

Saw my cousin today. I havent seen him in ages. He got a promotion at work so he's a bigshot Exec now.

I was also looking at Masters programmes in Australia. I was looking at Norway first but then I was reminded it isn't an English speaking country. I cba to learn a new language right now.

That's pretty much it for today except I didn't take sme pics of my niece like I had planned to. I'm gonna go spend a weekend with her soon. Take lots of pics then.

I'm out!

I'm getting a PS3

Okies, I went to visit the bf yesterday, to bring back his God of War demo. (GOW rocks!!)

Didn't do much as usual. Except watch some game trailers for the PS3. I am sooo getting a PS3 esp after seeing teh Warhawk trailer. It's just BEAUTIFUL!!! LOL And I'm not the only one, ARTICLE Check it out for yourself here: Warhawk Trailer

The Unreal tourney ones are cool too! Unreal Tourney Vidz

Oh yea, I also got head butted by the bf for $10!! For you Americans that's $0.16, lol. Ok Ok. He was taking something out of his pocket and it fell and I stepped on it and we were playing around for it and his head came and butted me but he didn't take me serious so I'm spinning it

About Me

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica