Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So, I got my way at work and got Saturday off :) I was gonna call Soutar and see if he wanted to go out this Friday but I gotta keep my spending down. I need some clothes, normally I'd ask my dad but he's already geting some books for me so I'm on my own.

Sis Byfield called and she says I can get the jack russell for $5000. I want him so bad but I'm not exactly jumping at the offer. Like part of the reason why I bitch and moan about getting a dog and not go get one is my home situation. While a JRT is a house dog, there's my mom, she's not going to be all gung ho about it, and I have to take that into consideration since its her space too. Also, not sure if a JRT's personality is compatible with it, we'll see.

Super Bowl Sunday! Do I know who's playing? Do I care nope! So why am I excited? the Lams' SBS party! There's gonna be good food and good food and good food :) One year she made the baked cho-cho and cheese, absolute greatness! So yeah, I'm going to be STUFFED :)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

life = sucky

so, I'ma have to work Saturday after all, watever. Gonna use friday to go shopping and for pants and a skirt.

I really should start running again, I need it.

my linux computer is more or less dead. I'm a need a new motherboard which is gonna need new memory and processor, might as well get a new graphics card too and case, oh joy.

also, i know what's on tv is whats on tv but the whole point of tv shows is people getting attached to these chars and stories and care but it sucks royally when you do and the writers just shit all over said attachment.

Monday, January 29, 2007

it's my day off

so why am I at work? cuz I work with idiots calling me in, when there really was no need. Two people misunderstood an I'm-coming-in-late for an I'm-not-coming-in so they called me in despite the calls being few and far between. fuckers. only upside is I ain't working saturday. I'm not taking friday off to come back saturday fuck that. someoneelse is working saturday.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

another lazy sunday

this quiet Sunday seems to be a trend and not a one off thing. I'm glad.

Craig came by a day late but he did visit. We went shopping, I wanted a can of compressed air and hardware & lumber finally got the battery less flashlights. One of them shake 'em deals and it fits in my handbag. It comes with two key chains that have lights on them but they're battery powered but still cute.

What to do with my day off tomorrow? Apart from sleep and exercise I have no idea. gonna go sleep now.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

got my hair did

washed my hair and my mom combed it. Ive stopped using Pantene, I'm just sticking to head and shoulders; dry scalp formula for now. It works. Also, my hair isn't breaking as much and it has grown so I must be doing something right.

Went back to my high school, the other day, to get transcripts. And it's changed. The building that used to house 4th and 5th forms(10th + 11th grades) is locked down. Even the bar is closed.(My high school is where and amusement park and small hotel used to be). The bar, was a 4/5th form hang out. The things that happened d in it, scandalous, but a lotta fun. even saw the owner's son. Gareth, I remember him, he was hilarious and had braces, looks about the same. I just realized, I'm not still friends with anyone from high school. Not that I hate them or anything, we've just never really kept in touch.

Went to Harbour View last night with Steve and Kams, had steam fish and bammy. It was OK, the food was this || short from good. Which reminds me, supposed to be going to dinner with K this week, hopefully we'll go to somewhere good.

Spoke with my dad today, says he has mild glaucoma and made some joke about smoking weed. Didn't get to talk to him more about it cuz he was on the road but he says he's taking his meds. from the little I know, it's treatable and he doesn't have to go blind but I am still a little worried.

Friday, January 26, 2007


pics are here!

Mr & Mrs Gregory Brown and daughter.

My new fave Alexia pic

A better view of the dress.

Marlon, Stacey, Serchen, me, Roger & Drew

Now the puppies! It's only one pic cuz I'm lazy

Thursday, January 25, 2007


no lies, no pictures cuz I was watching, Afro Samurai, Rome and Dirt.

Also I need to upgrade my linux box, the motherboard is dying, I can't turn it off now cuz I'm afraid it won't turn back on, joy.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

good news, bad news

okies, got linux machine up and running, back to ubuntu. It actually installed, who knew? I had to change the slot for the network card. I dunno if my motherboard is going or its just dirty, but I's thinking of finally upgrading my linux box. We'll see how that goes.

bad news, head hurts and I'm tired so no pictures tonight, tomorrow, Friday the latest :)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

oh well

I wanted to do a picture post today, of K's wedding and Mopsy's puppies but the linux box was being a bitch and I'm gonna have to reinstall so, prolly tomorrow or thursday.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

do you hear that?

yes, I went to church this morning, made my request and they've turned it down. I also told them to pass it on to asswipe in the afternoon. So I may not have silence but their volume is pretty much negligible. So I can sleep and enjoy my Sunday :)

I wanna see Smokin' Aces soooooooo bad! Hurry up Palace!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Amy Winehouse

my ears are in love. I heard about her ONTD! and I had net and time so I 'got' her album. Wow! I need to buy it. This girl is great. She has this messy, rawness, sounds like shes in some dive club but she sounds great. And I especially love the oldies feel to her album, Back to Black. And how can I not I love someone that uses one of my fave words, fuckery, so eloquently in a song? I'm loving, me & mr jones, back to black, wake up alone and you know I'm no good. Popbytes have two youtube links of her performing in NYC, check it out.

Friday, January 19, 2007

this shit again

it was not as much as last time but someone at work took money from my purse...again. I honestly have no words.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

where do i begin?

guess who's going to be a daddy? my first wuv. Was following Greg today and was nearby Paul so I stopped in to say hi and met his pregnant girlfriend...

fucking thieves, I just heard some piece shit trying to steal some of blocks, then he acts like he's slick when I come out....

anyhoo, Paul's gonna be a daddy :)

There was a fire at work today, a little one. Electrical, something to do with the A/C. The smoke jus made my headache and nausea worst. So I called Rog to come take my computer and took everything out front with me.

Then like a hour after I got real sick, I called Gregory and was like, I can't stay till 10 tonight and he was like ok, so I came home early.

Oh yeah, Greg picked up his license today, so he should find it easier to get the car from his mom now. we'll see.

hmm, there's something else...oh yeah. I need a new job. This one is getting to me and as much as I like my independence and have bills to pay I would prolly still quit. The cons are starting to seriously outweigh the pros of this job.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

today was a good day

got things done, got pics of the pups and Dane's set of wedding pics. I'll post tomorrow, I'm tired.

Calls were few and far apart and no memorable idjits.

wrote that letter for the noisemakers. Warren is saying there isn't much can be done cuz the law is for after 2am(which they make noise way past sometimes.) But I'm still giving them the letter. I'm tired of this shit.

I wanna do something with my hair, colour, new style, something.

Passions is cancelled, thanks for the good times and new friends but I'm kinda glad to see you go.

Monday, January 15, 2007

day off!

my manager texts me at 6:36am to say today is my day. So I stayed home, slept made pancakes, actually chatted with a neighbour. He's gonna help me try and get the tent to be quieter. Also did something I haven't done in ages, I washed the dishes, lol. Yeah, I'm bad.

I also watched some soaps, they still suck.

only sucky part is, I have a slight headache.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


so one would think I wouldn't have to go back to that tent about the noise, right? (in my best Carlie Murphy voice) Wrong! Wrong! I had to go over there again and after I ask him to turn it down this boy sighs and says, "Alrite gwaan." Like me a disturb him! Unnu see me dying trial? I guess me and him have a date next sunday, heh.

yay me! I met my Friday deadline, Crys didn't she had family issues but there's always next friday. Trying to do it again.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Wedding = success!

Mr & Mrs Gregory Brown were married this morning in a beautiful ceremony. Loved it! Saw old friends had a few laughs. Don't have no pictures yet cuz I didn't take my camera but I'll be posting a few as soon as I get them.

Mopsy had her puppies Wednesday, five of them, will post pics of them soon too.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

did my nails today and that was today's highlight. work just sucked over and over esp this one dumb bitch, shit wasn't working and I'm to apologize and listen to her dumbass lecture and sad story? I transferred her ass, poor Berroney, he wanted to hang up on her too. Then I spent over one hour with one customer bcuz I ether don't speak English or him cant read, wonderful.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Google wins again

Last year, after the Google taking over Writely thing, I transferred all my stuff from interface was so drab it was uninspiring) to ZohoWriter. While the interface is pretty great and it has tabbed document editing, Ive noticed it doesn't behave well with big documents. I have one story that spellcheck doesn't work for and whats really annoy is that saving freezes, esp auto save, and I lose a whole bunch of what I wrote. So I decided to try, thinkfree, but it uses java which is slow and hella slow on my work machine. (I must say, thinkfree has something over both zoho and google, when I upload my graphics tutorials ALL the images show, so I just store the tuts there.) So, I've moved all the documents I'm currently working on back to google. I guess it's not so bad as their interface ain't so bad anymore, I hope I won't have to be transferring again.


Went shopping for the wedding today, must admit it went real well, even got me a pair of blue jeans. I need a pair of black ones cuz mine need retiring. The top I bought requires a strapless bra, which was good, cuz then I'd atleast get to know my bra size, 40DD. I need to get up off my lazy ass.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

customers are gold

sometime last year, like november/december, this real asshole of a customer calls and cusses me out calling me an idiot and basically said I have no clue as to what I'm doing and told me supervisor the same.(just cuz I told him dsl line conditioning isnt a same day thing, it isnt.) Cut to today, he can't browse(his switch needed restarting) so I'm trouble shooting and he's jolly, laughing and says:

It's nice talking to someone that knows what they're doing.

Kams(my supervisor mind you) is all, why didn't you remind him you're the 'idiot'. Really, I was too busy stifling laughter. Truly ridic.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I got things to do

I got a resume to fix up and give to Terran, made a deal with Crysta to have a chapter up by Friday, gotta bring my computer to work, thinking tomorrow. I wanna start using Gimp. I know I say that a lot and never do anything. But I've fallen in love with Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love all over again and I wanna make stuff from it. I love the story and the visuals and I have quite a girl crush on Indira Varma (most would know her as Niobe from HBO's Rome).

I need to go do my nails and
go shopping for Kay's wedding Saturday and we all know how much I love shopping.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

fucked up Sundays

that fucking church(they're actually a tent) across the road. the fuckers put up sheets so you can't look in but their speakers outside facing out. In my house with all my doors locked and I can still hear their dumbness and hungry belly 'singing'. I swear, one of these days I'm going to jail for destruction of property. Apparently cuz theyre praising god they can be as loud as they please and ignore my requests for some fucking silence. One of these days, I'm going over there and breaking something. And to make it worse they have this fucking tony matterhorn wannabe, every sunday after dem service done a him dat a mek one bag a noise. A smile inna me face like me and him a friend. Guess who wasn't smiling when I told him what I wanted to do to him with him mic? I have silence now.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

drinking totally

isn't worth the day after.

Friday, January 05, 2007

I'm not right

Saw this story today and I couldn't help but laugh. Those two idiots, although I don't really believe it was over weed, it may have been the last straw but not the totality. Stab someone 21 times for that? And I love how those hypocrites want to act like its some tragedy, w/e, if their parents weren't who they are they'd be just another example of the good-for-nothingness of the lower class people. Uppity folks kids do dumb and criminal things too, colour me surprised.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

my mom is hilarious

not really, but she gave me a real good laugh this morning:

Mom: If you were buying a car, what kind would you buy?
Me: Honda or Toyota
Mom: (thinking)
Me: (thinking, WTH? buy a car? how about finishing the house first?) You have money to buy car?
Mom: Then you can't pay for it?
Me: (laughing) No!
Mom: Den a wha you a do wid your pay?
Me: (laughs and leaves)

And that woman is for serious. Does she know how much car payments are? Excluding insurance and all the other car expenses.

Called my dad this morning, he's back in NY, prolly gonna have to look for a new buyer for his house. I dunno why I mentioned buying a laptop to him cuz now he's gonna want to do it and I really wanna do it for myself.

I still haven't gone shopping for K's wedding and I havent called back the dentist about a new appointment, don't wanna do them all next week. But it doesn't matter, they both can't wait.

I'm not really looking forward to the wedding. Stacy called me Monday about a possible bridal shower and asked the question that I know I'm gonna hear a lot of at the wedding, "When you and Rog getting married?" I think I'm gonna give the Brad Pitt answer, that should go over well.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

keanu reeves?!

Last night I dreamt I married and had quints with keanu reeves. And no, I haven't watched one of his movies lately. Still not sure if it's weirder than the dave mirra dream I had recently, where I applied to be DM's apprentice/assistant and he called to say I got it but where I was was very noisy and the call was dropped. heh.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

R.I.P. Charles Hyatt

Charles Hyatt a great Jamaican actor and author of one my favorite books, When Me Was A Boy, has died. While most people will remember him for his acting, I can never forget his book. It's hilarity and a glimpse into the Jamaican past. I still laugh at the story of his new bicycle.

It's weird, just the other day I was looking for it in the book store cuz I can't find my copy, and I couldn't find it. I wonder if they'll have it now.

R.I.P. Charles Hyatt, you were a great Jamaican.

Monday, January 01, 2007

it's a new year

let's see what it brings, although I suspect it's gonna be the same ole same ole.

Went for Dim Sum yesterday, David wanted to try some place new, wasn't feeling it but I was willing to try until I saw it was basically a buffet style of Chinese food I normally eat for lunch, negative David. Left and went back to our regular spot.

Spent most of the day at David's then we picked up Rog, couldn't choose a place to go, so we all came to my house, gave David the tour although I don' think it changed much since he was last here. Watched some fireworks at midnight then they left.

new year resolutions? nah, not really. I'm gonna try be more consistent with the exercise thing, also gonna try going out more and also try being more creative.

About Me

My photo
Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica