Thursday, May 31, 2007

Look ma!

I entered an icontest after having my arm twisted some prodding by Nuri. And I did and I got 2nd!

Monday, May 28, 2007

good girl gone mad

it's official, I've been listening Rihanna's new album too much. Last night I dreamt we were friends. That we were regularly at each other's house. I think I was around too many weed smokers cuz we even shared clothes. But I'm still listening, Breakin' Dishes and Sell Me Candy are great.


Yay! I'm getting an LJ paid account! I'm an idjit I totally forgot mom has an international credit card :)

Anyhoo, I'm supposed to be working on some graphics and it's weird cuz it's something I'm really excited for and have been waiting for but nothing I do looks right. Gonna tinker some more today and see what's what.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

I want a WII

Those things are fun! Stopped by Kit's last night after work and we were all playing bowling and golf, we did a bit of the others but the bowling and golf were the most fun.

Gonna go clothes shopping in a few weeks. Gonna make a withdrawal from my savings to do it, I know but honestly it's not that much esp since my dad's bday gift and I really need new clothes. For home, exercise and work.

One of my co-worker is leaving this week and work ain't gonna be the same without her. I too am getting ready to leave Ive dusted off and revamped my resume and I'm sending it out this week. I coasted in this job way too long.

Friday, May 25, 2007

drama, bad dreams et al

Wednesday was Labour Day so no work for me :) Drove around with Craig, got food and slept. In the night Kams came by, she was going to a party. Then after she left the drama started. One of my neighbors, the girl that does nails when I came in for the night she was on my wall with her man. A little after I heard blocks falling and a sorta muted scream and I thought it was mom. I went to check to find mom at the window looking out, the blocks mum put up to stop ppl walking through our yard were on the ground and so was nails girl and her man was over her, hand in the air. I was shocked bcuz I see him run behind her and I know him, well not know him know him but I never pegged him for a woman beater. Apparently she heard he was cheating even had her friend come over and shout at him. Left them all out there, even Paul was out there. Paul says he he's done it before. Never figured her for the type of girl that would take that but see me and live wid me.

Anyhoo, last night I had a real bad dream, that I was very abusive to Brock(who for some reason was younger/smaller). Like I threw him down a hill. I woke up and was hugging him and shit and he looks at me like what are you smoking? It's time for my walk. It just freaks me out to even think I could be that violent to him. I mean he gets on my nerves sometimes but I just avoid him till I cool down.

Anyhoo, its my day off time to go sleep.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Trip pics!

Finally, got the pics uploaded.

From Brock
From Brock

From Brock

From Brock

Monday, May 21, 2007


WHat was supposed to be a 2hour drive turned into 6 hours because a trailer broke down on narrow ass Mt Rosser and add to that the car was overheating, something wrong with something. When we finally reached we were pretty much tired so no beach. Thats until early in the morning, mom took Brock and my cousins and didnt bother to wake me so, I hav pics of Brock in the car but none of him at the beach. And shes all like, you shoulda seen him, woulda made cute pictures *insert eyeroll here*

add that to our departure time kept being pushed back further and further till we had to get my cousin to takes us home. Now I do mind being in country but if I'm gonna spend more than a day I need to bring stuff to feed my brain worst I'm waiting on a new ipod. and Sunday was supposed to be my photoshop day just real annoying and I'm still pissed mom didnt wake me to bring Brock to the beach.

and this morning I finally got my bras, and ofcourse they dont fit, whatever.

Friday, May 18, 2007

to country we go

mom wants us to take Brock to country Saturday. Can't wait to see his reaction to the sea. Hope I remember to charge my camera batteries.

Is it me or is the show Good Times depressing? I don't get the appeal of it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Rog came by and dropped off Brock's new harness. I loves it. Took me a minute to get it on correctly but it works like a charm :) Got a pic of him laying down, also took pics of him with mom.
From Brock

From Brock

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

rog is back

haven't seen him so I haven't seen what my dad sent and Brock has to wait some more for his harness.

some changes going on at work. my manager is starting to laying down the law even gonna do a new timetable, gonna change me to earlier. I dont mind it too much but I aint working no 8am shifts. The earliest I can manage is 10am. We're also to write down what we think the problems are, lol and to hand in resumes cuz he's gonna start keeping a file and all that jazz.

Supposed to start my Pilates beginners DVD and haven't :( I know I know. I will at least try it once this week but it's not looking too good.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Brock and the coconut

Had fun last night and I finally like beyonce's ring the alarm and all it took was liquor and strippers, hehe.

Anyhoo, here's the real reason for this post:
From Brock

From Brock

There's a few more at the gallery.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!!!!!

Just picked up my cake, gonna chillax till Craig's ready to go out and boogy :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

It's getting hot in here

Power went last night. It was expected with all the lightning and rain but the HEAT! It went around 11 and I couldn't sleep. Every minute I wake up because of the heat. Brock looking at me like, "Yeah, me feel it too." It did come back, I dunno what time I just remember feeling the fan and hearing the tv.

Decided to finally check out Google's Reader. Never been into the RSS thing but if I had known, I would've tried it before. It's so great, I can check all my sites in one place. I was going to do my nails today but I can't bother.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Gonna spend my birthday with my dog and my cake, and they better not forget my rum.

family guy sucks ass

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

back to work

didn't miss it at all. although today wasn't so bad. not many annoying calls.

ordered my cake today. but dunno how the pickup is gonna go. since david is gonna be taking his mom out for an early mother's day celebration. prolly gonna ask Gregory.

So I was telling Rog about this stray I almost took home and he told me Brock's mom got hit by a car and died yesterday :( I'm gonna miss her and Rog's Mopsey stories. Sorta weird to look at Brock now cuz he looks so much like her.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Brock and the sugar cane

I added 7 new pics of Brock from our cane eating session today:

From Brock

I love PostSecret

Another PostSecret gem:

Saturday, May 05, 2007

jps sucks

we had a power cut today from a little before 2 until after 8. I kid you not. Wasn't so bad, I slept and played with my battery less flashlight. Which reminds me, I need to get a UPS as summer is the time of everyday power cuts.

Didn't go to work yesterday, cramps told me to stay home and I try not to disobey cramps.

People begging/offering ridiculously small amounts of money for my dog are getting annoying. Yes, he's cute. Just say that and move on. Don't make ridiculous offers and expect me to take you seriously. Dogs aren't scarce, they're easy to get. And if you want pedigree but can't afford it maybe a dog isn't for you.

oh yes, Thursday night I was walking on the road to meet my cab and this guy asked me if I worked at a nearby strip club. Should I be offended or flattered?

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Brock pics

I decided to take pics of Brock in his new bed, our bath. It's just three pics:

From Brock
From Brock

From Brock

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Called Cake Shoppe today and I can get my chocolate fudge cake WITH rum! Gonna order it next Monday.

Brock is destroying the kitchen, I know what his next session is gonna be. Also went to get him Advantix, on the recommends of a friend, but they only had Frontline. I cant apply it till Thursday cuz he was bathed on Sunday. I really hope it works. from what I've read it does, it just doesnt repel mosquitoes like Advantix, but he should be fine.

About Me

My photo
Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica