Friday, March 31, 2006


so, I moved my comp from Greg's desk to mine, same shit happens. It boots then crashes after 5 minutes and reboots to a reboot. oh joy.

Saw V for Vendetta last night, GREATNESS! Hugo's voice acting was great and his delivery was very good. Natalie Portman was brilliant also. I still wonder how it wouldve looked BEFORE the London bombings, maybe theyll put it on DVD.

Mom's back, so no more home alone for me :(

Thursday, March 30, 2006

My computer is trying to drive me crazy

My computer is trying to drive me nuts. It's now behaving like nothing is wrong with it. Like I wasn't booting to blue screens and reboots days ago. Yesterday, it would freeze up after like 5 minutes of use now it's been up and running for like 30 minutes.

Now watch what happens if I take it home. I missed so much because of this. Maybe I should just get up off my ass and configure MythTV on my linux box.

I should call O'rayne, he said he was stopping by but I wanna see V for Vendetta.

Anyhoo, I'm off to play Mario on my machine while it's behaving.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I fucking hate shit stirrers and those that are so up someone's behind they cant see reason. those fuckers just love to offer up their biased opinions as facts, fuck off!

Anyhoo, I love randomness, like the pieces of conversation one hears whilst one is on the road. Like "Saturday is my butter day." greatness!

mic check 1 2

yes, yes, Ive been absent again. no real reason apart from lazy and forgetfulness.

me free paper soon done, mom is coming home this week. Which is good cuz the wiring for the back of the house has gone to shit. The bathroom, kitchen and walk in close have NO power which upsets me cuz the washing machine I'm buying is supposed to be in that area.

I know which cake I'm ordering for my birthday, Tiramasu.

Gonna go watch V for Vendetta on Thursday, I havent been to the movies in ages.

Spent the weekend at Brain's, nyam food and watch tv but I left my yogurt :(

I formatted my HD and I wish I could say the prob is solved I'm starting to think it's the HD. The comp froze on me last night, so I'm gonna call O'Rayne and see bout warranty and such.

I still need a decent mpg to avi/wmv converter, it would make clipping so much easier since dumbass wmm cannot import my mpgs. Speaking of which, there must be some auto screencapping software out there.

I think I'm gonna change my Blogger and LJ layout. Its about time I make my own but alas, I'm too lazy or just not inspired.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

One fucked up weekend

my nails still need to be done and my manicurist isnt answering her phone

windows movie maker is being an ass so I can't make clips for the fansite

i got sony vegas as a sub and its just damn painful

beyondtv is now showing like shit

my comp display is all garbled

and my 1mb dsl is acting like its 1byte

i'm gonna have some likker.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I need a magic wand

Tomorrow I'm working late and my morning is gonna be spent at the bank and tax office :( Two of the worst places to spend a morning esp when I could be in bed.

Now I just gotta hope that the washing machine I have my eye on isn't gone. Decent sized front loaders are rare and if you find one today no guarantee it will be there tomorrow.

My computer is sick and I have no clue. Everytime I think Ive got it solved it starts crashing and that beeping at start up and now dumbass Event Viewer has gone mute. It has hung up twice and Event Viewer doesnt show shat. From what ive seen on Google it maybe my MB, the SATA drives and XP SP2 or it maybe some IRQ shit I just noticed at boot up. I wanna get some air clean out my case and rearrange some cards.

Anyhoo, back to my so called life.

Monday, March 13, 2006

so many little time

My to-do list grows whilst the time to do them shrinks. But i'm gonna be working on them I swear.

Finally got my tv card up and running, now I need to start making clips and work out a naming scheming that makes them easy to sort. I also need software that auto does screencaps.

My dad's BC, I'm on it. Gonna do it up tomorrow and pay for it wednesday.

My nails need to be done, theyre chipping and stuff. They also feel weird.

I also need to update and end out my resume. My job blows, my co-workers rock but my job still blows.

My kitchen has space! And why you might ask? Cuz the bath is now in the bathroom! Soon and very soon I'll be able to take a bath and not just any bath, jacuuzi baths. new bath got whirpool stuff and stuff :)

THANK YOU! to the bf. Brought me choccy today :) He wubs me :D

I'm out!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


that's how much I'm my dad's. so the DNA stuff is done and over with so the immigration machinery can keep turning.

nothing can suck the excitement out having new stuff like computers. finally got the damn tv card. spent my day off setting it up. it works but its grainy :( butI was gonna kep recording till I got some more time to figure it out. Got some ATI software that can turn itself on record and turn off. Set it and forget. Guess what I came home to? 4 gigs of blue screen and static and now the damn ATI software is saying shit about drivers. Works fine in PowerCinema though.

bwoy if I wasn't done with soaps before, I'm sure as hell done now

I need new interests or some give-a-damn about my current ones.

haha, running, only did it once, tsk tsk. but I'm gonna get on that.

I want a dog, I really do. but house isnt a dog friendly state. cant wait till all this construction ends.

About Me

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica