Saturday, March 17, 2007

computers are great?

yesterday I took out a hard drive out my windows machine to put back in my linux box. When I tried to boot up my windows machine nothing. Can you believe I plugged the mouse into the kybd slot and vice versa? So after I finally figured that out, it boots to a blue screen about some system file being missing or corrupted. Now I could just find it on the install CD and copy it over but it as time for reinstall anyways. Funny I used my legit copy of XP and the CD worked this time. Not sure why it didn't before. Everything back to normal except it boots faster and my fonts look different but whatever.

Hopefully next week I'll have my linux box up and dual booting so I can practice VB.

So much to do today, take Brock to vet, get parts for machine, watch 300. Right now it doesn't look like it's gonna work out. We'll see.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica