Friday, March 30, 2007

I shoulda went to dental school

Yesterday I went to get my cavities filled(which I shoulda done from Jan) After I caled yesterday and told her I was coming in to fill my cavities she wrote me down for a cleaning so I'm sitting wondering why she's cleaning my teeth, I ask her and she's that's what I see here. Anyhoo, I'm in the chair and dude takes out the needle and I'm ready to run. Its the scariest needle Ive ever seen and he's all don't watch the needle watch cricket(yes, it's cricket world cup so TVs are everywhere) I didn't feel the prick but he coulda done it without me ever seeing the damn needle. He capped my chipped tooth and I'm not real happy about it. I earned that chip from sliding in the bath when I was younger. Now the back of my two front teeth feels like there's something on it. All for the grand total of $20, 000(US$303).Thankfully my insurance covered 13, 000+ but the remainder really knocked this month's budget outta whack.

Ive learned my lesson. I haven't been good with he brushing before bed and the flossing but not anymore.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica