Monday, April 16, 2007

being sick sucks

last night outta nowhere my throat starts hurting and little after my head started and my temp went higher. Had some ginger tea with honey felt better for five minutes. Then I decided to go to bed cuz normally I'm fine morning after, no such luck woke up late, Brock woke me, my throat still hurt and my head still ached. Mom made me some onion tea which made me feel better for awhile but by this evening my voice is going. It hurts to speak and I sound horrid. I'm soo not coming to work tomorrow.

people are getting married everywhere I turn, friend of a friend got married recently, ex-coworker is getting married, co-worker got married Saturday, my manager is gonna propose when his girl gets back. it's all just fucking depressing.

but all that is drivel doesn't compare to what's happening in Virginia. My prayers go out to all those who are affected by the senseless act of violence.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica