Thursday, June 29, 2006

sometimes, curses are blessings

$79 fucking dollars is the toll cap for cars on the Portmore toll. That's $79 each way. (for my 'merican friends it's US$1 = JA$66). That shit ain't cheap or even frigging affordable! That's $158 a day to go to work and come home. And the alternate route, oh joy, the alternate route is longer and will have Spanish Town traffic, so avoiding the toll ain't gonna be easy. Ain't I glad I don't have a car, well not really, since I usually work the late shift I could just take the alternate route and not have traffic to worry about but still...

So I've recovered some of my files, only the most important ones are left. My music, music vids, graphics files and my my documents folder. I brought home my linux machine, it should make retrieving and storing muy easier. then I can go RAID my hard drives and hope the problem ends. If it doesn't then I'm onna have to change out my mother board and/or drives.

Now I gotta figure how to get my linux machine back to work when I'm done. If anything I guess I can ask Warren since he works near me and drives.

Got paid yesterday and I totally agree with Chris Rock, I got jacked. for all the dumbness and insults I have to put up with gov't come and take a little over 1/5 of my pay. To do what? Live the fucking high life. They don't pay gov't workers people have to strike and gwaan bad to get all 2% increases but they can give themselves pay hikes and pensions that are fucking unbelievable. All for what? so they can sell us out, literally. Open the country so foreigners can come and do whatever the fuck they want like charge $79 tolls.

I love my country, I do but these fuckwads are trying to fuck up my love. And as much as I want them out, the opposition is just ugh! those fuckers couldn't get together to make a glass of sugar and water. A bunch of disorganized in-fighters.

All around fuckery, welcome to Jamrock!

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica