Sunday, November 05, 2006

just saw Last King of Scotland greatness! I love having a movie that doesnt disappoint. All around great performances. Scully Gillian Anderson I almost didn't recognize, Kerry Washington, lets just say I saw a new side of her :D Forest was so fricking great!

Brought my linux box to work today and watched ATHF all day. I know I shoulda watched Heroes but I really wasn't interested.

LJ was down today, sometimes when I'm bored I troll LJ, search by interest which usually yields some interesting journals/communites but none of that for me.

Apparently Chris Rock and Malaak are divorcing, which doesn't really surprise me esp after his last special, his jokes on marriage didnt really seem to be just jokes, then again its Chris Rock, he doesn't really do just jokes.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica