Monday, January 01, 2007

it's a new year

let's see what it brings, although I suspect it's gonna be the same ole same ole.

Went for Dim Sum yesterday, David wanted to try some place new, wasn't feeling it but I was willing to try until I saw it was basically a buffet style of Chinese food I normally eat for lunch, negative David. Left and went back to our regular spot.

Spent most of the day at David's then we picked up Rog, couldn't choose a place to go, so we all came to my house, gave David the tour although I don' think it changed much since he was last here. Watched some fireworks at midnight then they left.

new year resolutions? nah, not really. I'm gonna try be more consistent with the exercise thing, also gonna try going out more and also try being more creative.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica