Thursday, December 07, 2006


I saw a real transvestite tonight! I know to most people it's not a big deal, but this is Jamaica. That's NOT run of the mill stuff. So I'm at Carib and I went to get a straw and I turn around and there's this short thin woman, clutching a purse, walking dainty as you please with hoop earrings and braids. then I saw the face, it was a MAN! And his/her face, his beard, lol, he had a five o' clock shadow. OMG! He/she was walking towards the bathroom to see which one he/she used.

Just to put this in perspective, a few years ago, I doubt she'd have made it to Carib in one piece wherever she was from.

Anyhoo, I saw Casino Royale, twas good but loooong. I take back what I said about DC as Bond. There I said it.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica