Thursday, June 16, 2005

Summer's Here!!

OK! I've made change or two in my life, dropped a few things picked up a few things.

I'm back to learning Japanese :) yep Japanese.
I'm also writing again. Right now it's a fanfic but I have few ideas for some orginal stuff and I'll be on it.

So last night I'm on my comp minding my own damn biz and the little fuckers(JPS) cut my light out! Midnight! No damn power! I don't go to bed till like 3 or 4 in the morning. Bored to raas. Well my ipod was charged and so was my digicam batteries so I went to bed and took pics of the room. Was messiing round using the light from my cell, still dark unless I held it right there.

I havent eft my house in ages! I went to the mall the tuesday to pay my dsl bill but that doesnt count. BTW NCB's new branch is niiiiiiice I may even open an account there, but I need a frigging recommendation and other shit. I never see shit like this. what the raas I need a recommendation for? What? to make sure I'm not a drug dealer or something?
If I was my money wouldnt be at NCB, well not all of it.

I HATELOATHEDESPISE fake ass people. I post on many a boards I meet some ppl you think are cool then find out they aren't. And those dumb bitches expect me to play the hypocrite gae with them. well I don't kiss ass. If I don't like someone the most you'll get out of me is I'll avoid them but if they actup I'm NOT gonna shut up.

I NEEEEED to do my laundry! I seriously am running outta clothes to wear and rain keeps on falling every raas day, can you believ that? Soon have to start dig up old old old clothes, watch me.

Haha, I love my uni family. We just started a yahoo group and we posted some pics from 99-03 MEMORIES! Wow! those were the days. Were you swear blind dat you going to burn down the damn university. Cuss so much badword, me woulda have Bill Gates money if I had a swear jar. But still had some great times. Stayin up all nite "studying" haha, those were the days.

I still hate school but the people are DIVINE!

Anyways me gone, layta

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica