Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Public transportation is the devil...

...well, not really but last night and this morning was not good. Last night my bus came and handful of people gathered but the driver had to go take a break or leak so we all stood outside waiting for him to come back. Now the amount of people outside was way less than the seating capacity of the bus so no one was in a rush, except one girl with a willfuly oblivious mother. This little girk kept pushing and boring and the little bitch stepped on my toe WITHOUT an apology. So I just timed her, wait for her next round of pushing, moved my foot a little, turned a little bit and when she pushed again she went to the floor, well she hit the ticket dispenser but it was still a great fall. I gave her a 9. I had my laugh and went to my seat.

This morning my bus was late and not even 5 minutes into it, the ticket dispenser went on vacation. So the driver stopped to call the depot becasue she couldn't cash new passengers. And there was the usual loud mouth passenger with her hilarious brand of dumbness.

And finally, you know those guys, that have a football field of space behind them on the bus but still ride your ass? Had one this morning. So I did what always do. The next time the bus stopped I hit him and pretended I lost my grip on the rail. I gave him world's fakest sorry and changed my position.

I'm going to see Chronicles of Narnia tonight, yay me!

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica