Wednesday, August 09, 2006


so, I heard game's one blood today . I hate, hate, hate, hate when they sample a song and twist it's original meaning. (that includes you jamie foxx and kanye west for wat you did with Ray's song) Game took a song about unity, putting aside differences to do a weak ass rap about his dumbass feud with his exes.

it's one of those months, when you've spent a lot of money and no idea where it's gone. I haven't made any unnecessary purchases but I'm broke and the 28th is tooooo far away.

Rog, it's been how long since your name was here? I called him to stop by me on his way home. This joker turns up at my office door, topless! LOL cheered me up, cuz I wasn't in a good mood.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica