Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ain't nothing like coming home

and the first words your mom says are, "You have shit to clean up." lol, the joys of having a dog. Good news is he slept longer last night, didn't wake till 4 got everyone up, then he went back to sleep. He's so cute to watch. Like his balance isn't all there yet so he walks a tad wobbly and when he uses one of his back paw to scratch beside his head or somewhere he turns right over, lol. Also, he doesn't like to sleep on any type of bedding. In the box, he sleeps on just the newspaper and when he's out he ignores the bedding we have for him and sleeps on the floor, watever floats his boat I guess.

OMG! They actually fixed the a/c at work today, no more fan wars, greatness.

This is some sad shit. WTH? Woman you got a husband and three kids, the marriage not so hot no more? Either try to fix it or get a divorce. Think your new man is cheating, here's an idea find another one don't drive 900 miles in a diaper to confront some chick, now your dumbass is facing life imprisonment, for what? Your poor kids.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica