Saturday, February 03, 2007

so, I'm broke

and I might get broker. So today, bought some clothes, got a mani and pedi and paid my dsl/voip bill and I'm currently over my monthly budget, not a good look. and at the end of all that spending, Rog calls and is like, you can get one of my pups. yes, here I go AGAIN about puppies. BUT unlike the JRT, this dog can be left in my house without going ape shit but I'd have to get a whole bunch of dog stuff and there is the I may not still be here at the end of the year deal. I also have to get Paul to help me sort out something out back so I can have the dog there and he wont be able to run off and mingle with the diseased strays.

tomorrow is Superbowl Food Sunday! hehe,

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica