Friday, October 27, 2006


my day was just fine until I went to Island Grill, ordered the chicken sandwich instead of the jerk burger and didn't notice till it was too late to change it. I swear the bitches switched the menu up. 7 is the jerk burger not damn chicken sandwich. So I had dumbass chicken sandwich and I hated every bite, ugh!

Me have a ni' night to go to later. One of the taxi men was killed and they're having his ni' night tonight. Can dust off mi domino skills, heh. FYI ni' night(nine night) is a funeral tradition. For nine nights after a person dies, friends and family gather and have a wake. The last night (ninth night) is the biggest and depending on where you are, what is done varies. Can read more at the Wiki. Any questions feel free to ask.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica