Sunday, September 24, 2006


Did the format and re-install. Gotta say this was one of my better ones even if I had to do it 3 times. But it works so I'm good.

The fucking ssh2 connection shit still is shit though and I deleted all the damn songs on the Ubuntu box already.

I've been up and down lately. Like one minute I'm getting fine with the break up and the next it's like some one ripped the band aid off. And I'm trying to not get all depressed so Ive been picking up hobbies I threw to the wayside. Like writing, Crys and I have been working on something I'm trying to get done. Something I don't think I'm good at, humour.

Spent the evening with Gregory again he followed me to the mall to pay my cable bill cuz it got disconnected and those asses onlinde do online banking with a bank I don't have an account with. Speaking of bills, I'm broke. I wanted to buy a UPS but that money has gone to jps. So I may just ask my dad to get me one.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica