Sunday, September 17, 2006

yay! I have clean pups!

I just washed two of the pups. The two black ones have disappeared during the week and I haven't seen them, even when I walked around. So only the brown and b&w one got washed. The flea and tick shampoo seems to be working, alot were washed away and the shampoo supposed to work for 7-10 days so I'm a wash them every Sunday. My only prob is the other pups and the mom. They're still dirty, the mom won't let me get near her so washing her is out and I can't find the other two but I bet they still hang or something. This shampoo better work.

OK, I dunno if I said but I'm gonna. I need to keep track of this. I updated my bios to v1.D0 I now believe the BSODs were because I had 1.C0. I dunno how. I had upgraded to 1.C0 before and the BSOD so I changed it back to 1.B0. If the problem occurs again, I'm gonna go back to B and uninstall MSI liveupdate. I think it autoupgraded to C after it got tired of me ignoring it.

I need to get me a can of compressed air. The two machines are dirty and the linux machine is hella dusty. Gotta go try updating and stuff.

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica