Sunday, September 03, 2006

of friends and rescued days

so I met Gregory at the mall last night. we ate and walked the mall but was one of the best times Ive had in ages. Thanks Gregory from turning a fucksucky day into a better one.

He supposed to come by at 2 but its now 3:20 and his always-late-ass ain't here. We're supposed to go by Paul and look at his computer. Speaking of which you'd think Paul would call since its his computer that's spazzing.

I realized last nite that I really do love cussing. I prolly shouldn't but it's so expressive. I know some dipshit said cussing is the lazy man's whatever but I don't care. Cussing is very expressive and descriptive and I can guarantee you, it does get your point across so yay cussing.

I'm sooo fucking bored right now, bah!

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Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica